As part of the program, the gift was given to the hospitalcomplex of equipment for the treatment of ophthalmic diseases: visatronics MZ for the treatment of spasm of accommodation and myopia; the device "Synaptofor" for the treatment of strabismus and a set of endoscopic instruments. The cost of equipment amounted to 1 500 000 rubles. The event was attended by Vladimir Grachev, First Deputy Minister of Health of the Ryazan Region, and Elena Sorokina, Deputy Head of the Administration of Ryazan.A photo: archive of press services "It's a great success that Ryazan has become one of the cities participating in the charity program of VTB Bank. With the bank, we have a long tradition of cooperation: VTB helps our veterans, kindergartens, cultural institutions. I hope that in the future we will continue to work together in various areas of charity, and VTB will serve as an example of social responsibility for other organizations of our country, "said Elena Borisovna." The equipment is intended for the consultative and diagnostic center of the outpatient department of the hospital. This medical complex is necessary for the non-surgical correction of strabismus and other visual impairments, which is especially important for toddlers. At the same time, to expand the possibilities of carrying out operations with endoscopic access, it is planned to purchase a series of laparoscopic equipment. This will reduce the time of the operation and reduce the length of the child's stay in the clinic, as well as help reduce the risk of postoperative complications, "Inna Lebedeva, head physician of the Regional Children's Clinical Hospital named after N.V. Dmitrieva.A photo: archive of press services "In Ryazan, the" Peace without Tears "action was held for the first time in 2014. Then as a gift to the Children's Regional Clinical Hospital named after N.V. Dmitrieva Bank VTB transferred a medical complex for the rehabilitation of children with impaired musculoskeletal system. Already for 15 years we have been helping children's hospitals from Kaliningrad to Vladivostok in acquiring the necessary medical equipment. This year, VTB allocated over 40 million rubles for financial assistance to healthcare institutions, "Alexander Erofeev, head of the Sponsorship and Client Events Department, VTB Bank Vice-President, said at a press conference." VTB Bank is active in the Ryazan region, supporting regional enterprises, the implementation of significant projects. In addition to the achievements in business development, social policy is important for VTB, which is an integral part of the Bank's strategy, and we always pay special attention to the support of children. It is gratifying that VTB has the opportunity to give positive emotions to the small patients of the hospital, because this sometimes helps no worse than drugs and medical equipment. We hope for further cooperation with the region in the field of supporting healthcare and social projects in general, "said Ruslan Eremenko, head of the corporate network department, senior vice-president of VTB Bank.A photo: archive of press services On this day a gift by tradition was received not only by the hospital, but also by all small patients. On the holiday, the characters of the legendary telecast "Good Night, Kids!" Came to the children. Together with Fili, Stepashka and their senior comrade - the deserved artist of Russia Natalia Golubentseva - the guys went in search of treasure. Children were waiting for incredible tricks from the famous Mad Hatter, ingenious riddles and fun contests. After the treasured chest was opened, each kid received as a gift a personal "chest" with a set for drawing.1/4Photo: archive of press servicesPhoto: archive of press servicesPhoto: archive of press servicesPhoto: archive of press services

