the baby smells from the mouthWhy does a child smell from his mouth? Photo: Getty

Why does a baby smell out of his mouth

Much depends on what it smells. Sometimes the reason is in inadequate care of the teeth and tongue (oral cavity). Beginning caries is recognized by this feature. But not always provoking factors are "on the surface."

  • Tonsillitis, tonsillitis develop due topathogenic microorganisms. They envelop the mucous throat and affect the formation of ulcers. Hence, the first answer to the question why the child smells of mouth.
  • Food. Protein products (eggs, fish, meat and milk, cheeses) give hydrogen sulphide when splitting. You can eliminate it by diluting the diet with carbohydrates (cereals, vegetables, greens) and plenty of clean water.
  • Products that cause fermentation. These are grapes, legumes, sweets.
  • Poor hygiene. Teeth must not only be cleaned, but rinsed. Special care requires tongue as well as cheeks.
  • Stress. It dries out in the mouth very quickly.
  • Infectious diseases that cause salivary gland dryness (mumps).
  • From infants emanates the flavor of milk. But if the child smells of acetone from the mouth, you need to reconsider the diet. The "bias" in the direction of fat, protein, or, conversely, fast carbohydrates often signals an excessive load on the liver.
  • Constipation, when the remnants of undigested food linger for a long time in the intestines.
  • If you eliminate possible errors in the scheduleday and power, and the smell does not recede, you can contact the therapist. After examining and collecting the necessary information, he can refer the small patient to a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, dentist or otolaryngologist (if the problem is related to sore throat, ears, nose).

    The child smells from the mouth: what to do?

    Every day, parents and children perform hygienic "rituals" and follow the rules of the usual diet. This can be corrected, and the problem of why the child smells from the mouth will be resolved.

    • On an empty stomach drink (no, not tea) a glass of pure water. During the day, do not forget about this procedure.
    • Brush your teeth twice a day, and in a backpack let the teenager wears a rinse.
    • Toothbrushes change as they come tounsuitability or once in three months (they wear out, the bristles cease to reach “in hard-to-reach places”, and microbes tend to accumulate between the bristles).

    If this does not help, you need to pay attention.still on health. It’s never too late to start taking care of him. The main thing is not to blame the child, it is also unpleasant and difficult for him. Now he especially needs understanding and support, because an unpleasant smell to a teenager can spoil self-esteem and even life. It is also interesting:

