Psychological theories, why there are more girls in the family

Psychologists have several theories about why some women mostly have daughters.If there are more girls in the family, the stress experienced by the mother is to blameIf there are more girls in the family, it is their faultstress experienced by the mother Photo: Getty According to the first of them, a girl is born so that a man can learn to understand the opposite sex. The second theory has several points that complement each other:

  • When the mother is not feminine enough, an imbalance of energies of different sex arises in the house. The appearance of the girl regulates this balance.
  • Also, the state of femininity should be regulated in the education of their own kind. Mother learns from daughters, and mothers daughter.
  • The father, not having male support, must be so manly that the energy of the mother and daughters does not exceed his energy.

So, according to the second theory, girlsare born to replenish the missing feminine energy needed to balance the male and female principles. The same can be said about the birth of boys.

Scientists' opinion on why only girls are born

Scientists have recorded a curious phenomenon.If a cataclysm or political event occurs in a certain area, a year later there are far fewer boys than girls. For example, this was observed in the United States after September 11 and in Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. These events led to changes in the economy, which became stressful for many women. It is estimated that in 75% of cases, a woman who experienced stress gives birth to a girl. According to scientists, factors influencing the appearance of girls can be both external and family events. For example, the loss of a loved one or even moving. As a result of the experiments, it was found that those women who had a higher level of stress hormones gave birth to girls. In particular, the hormone cortisol played a major role. Scientists do not yet know why this happens. Additional research, which is still being conducted in this area, will help confirm or refute the opinion of scientists and psychologists on this matter. Many women dream of planning the sex of their child in advance, and this topic has always been relevant.

