Is it possible for children to give milk

Milk is a valuable and nutritious product, but in the first year of a baby’s life, it is better to give preference to breastfeeding or adapted infant formulas.when you can give your baby milkWhether or not children can be given milk depends on their age and health. Photo: Getty Doctors believe that it is necessary to wait before introducing milk into the daily diet for the following reasons:

  • Load on the kidneys. Because of the high content of proteins and minerals, cow milk loads the baby's kidneys 5 times stronger than the breast milk.
  • Poor assimilation. The digestive tract of a child up to 1-2 years is not able to absorb some of the components that make up the store milk.
  • Damage to the intestine. Casein, contained in the product, injures the walls of the baby's intestines, which can lead to even internal bleeding.
  • Lack and lack of trace elements. In cow's milk, there is not enough iron and fatty acids important for brain development. The shop product does not contain folic acid, amino acids and cystine at all.
  • Risk of allergy. After drinking regular milk, the baby releases a histamine, which leads to the development of an allergic reaction.

If there are no problems with breastfeeding, thenIt is better not to rush to transfer the baby to "adult" food. Only mother's milk can provide the child with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

At what age can you give milk to a child?

If there is no allergy, cow's milkstart adding to purees and cereals for children over 10 months. However, before including this product in the diet, you need to find out what kind of milk can be given to the child. Only a special baby drink is considered safe for the baby, which does not require boiling and is absolutely hypoallergenic. Such products are sold in containers up to 0.5 liters and are not subject to storage, and the recommended age is always indicated on the packaging with baby milk. Regular milk, which is widely available in all stores, can be given to children who have reached 3 years of age. Milk should be introduced into baby food carefully, closely monitoring the baby's well-being. In the absence of allergies and good tolerance of the product, the child's daily diet can include one glass of milk. Read more:

