When can I get a vaccine after Mantoux

To determine the time frame, it is necessaryunderstand what Mantu is. This is a test for the detection of tuberculosis in a child. The substance tuberculin is injected under the skin - it is an extract from the bacteria of bovine tuberculosis. After three days watching the reaction. If the red spot on the skin exceeds 4 mm in diameter, it is likely that the child is sick.when can I do the vaccineInoculation, like Mantoux, must be done whenthe child is absolutely healthy. Mantoux does not exert a burden on the child’s immunity, so it’s not worth departing from the vaccination scheme. But there are exceptions. If the test was positive, then the next vaccination can be done only after a full examination and permission of the doctor. There are exceptions for children who attend kindergarten. If there is a quarantine for children's infections, the tuberculin test can be carried out only 1 month after its termination.

Is it possible to vaccinate against measles and other diseases simultaneously with manta

Instill children against flu, diphtheria, tetanus, andYou can also do PDAs at the same time as Mantus. Such a combination does not affect the test result and the effectiveness of vaccination, but it is still better to take a break. You must wait for the Mantoux reaction, and then begin the rest of the vaccinations. After any vaccination, at least 1 month must pass in order for the tuberculin test to be carried out. If you do not wait for this time period, the test response may be false. It can be false negative or false positive.

If the next after Mantoux is DTP

This is a comprehensive vaccine that protects againstwhooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. The vaccine has a significant burden on the child’s immunity, so at the same time as Mantoux, it is not desirable to do it. It is better to first wait for the reaction of the tuberculin test and only if the result is negative, agree to the vaccine. If you first do the DTP, then Mantus is allowed only after 1 month. Otherwise, there will be problems with the formation of immunity to grafted infectious diseases. It is necessary to observe the time interval between vaccinations. This is the key to the health of the baby and protection against probable infection. To avoid problems with vaccination, it is worthwhile to know in advance about the upcoming vaccinations and the Mantoux test. You can do a tuberculin test in advance.

