From what age can you use the circle
Don't think that the circle is for infantsswimming - another new fashion. This is a really useful thing that young parents should have in their arsenal. Experts have developed it in such a way that it is completely safe for the child. With the help of the circle, the baby gets used to water procedures and enjoys them, and for adults such a circle makes life much easier.A child with a neck ring can be bathed from the firstdays of life Photo: Getty Manufacturers write that the circle can be used from the first days of life, if there are no special contraindications from the doctor, but in practice, it is better to start bathing with a circle after the navel has healed. The ideal age for bathing is from 1-1.5 months. At this time, the baby is already able to perceive swimming in the bath as a game. Do not be afraid that the child cannot yet hold his head. The circle supports it in such a way that there is no strain on the neck at all.
How to use the circle correctly and how often
There are no restrictions on the frequency of bathing.Do this as needed and as desired. If the child does not like this method of support in the water, use the traditional - in the arms of the parents. In order to bathe the baby with a ring, follow the following scheme:
If you didn't succeed the first timebathe your baby with a ring, don't despair and try again. Both you and your baby need to get used to this device. Remember that the ring should be put on outside the bathtub for safety reasons. Do this together the first few times, as it is difficult to control a fidgeting baby and put on the swimming device correctly. Now you know from how many months a baby can be bathed with a ring. Follow the tips, and your little one will be happy.