How does ectopic pregnancy manifest in the early stages?
Ectopic pregnancy makes itself knownquite quickly. As a rule, the signs are noticeable by the 7th-8th week. This can happen a little earlier or a little later, depending on where the fertilized egg has attached.Ectopic pregnancy is manifested whena fetal egg stretches the tube Photo: Getty The unpleasant symptoms are related precisely to the fact that the fetal egg, developing, stretches the walls of the tube. Fallopian tubes have three departments, one of them is slightly wider than the remaining two. If the embryo is introduced in this area, the symptoms will appear a little later. Here's how you can suspect an ectopic pregnancy:
- First of all, it is pain in the right or left side of the abdomen. The pain thus amplifies with every day and can give in an anus or a loin.
- Often appear spotting spotting, their color can range from scarlet to dark brown.
- If a woman passes an analysis for hCG, it becomes clear,that the hormone grows badly and its parameters do not correspond to the expected date. In norm, hCG in early terms doubles every two days. With ectopic pregnancy, the gain will be significantly less.
- General condition worsens, complaints aboutfits of weakness, dizziness. Symptoms such as a drop in blood pressure, fainting, cold sweat, can be said to have broken the pipe.
When suspicions of ectopic pregnancy needseek medical help immediately. The situation can be clarified by ultrasound, if for a period of 6 weeks the fetal egg is not detected in the uterine cavity when examined by a vaginal sensor, this is a good reason to suspect pathology. Also, a doctor may resort to laparoscopy - abdominal examination with a laparoscope. For this, it is necessary to make a puncture on the front abdominal wall. For treatment, surgical intervention is necessary, it is required to remove the fetal egg. Sometimes the tube can be maintained, in other cases it is removed. The risk of ectopic pregnancy increases in women who have a history of sexual infections or suffering from inflammatory diseases of the tubes, as this provokes their obstruction.