Teaching for children

The fable genre originated before the advent of our era.These stories have long been popular with children born in noble families. They served as a way of upbringing and education. Children happily learned the deep moral meaning through a light and cheerful story. This genre describes common life situations. The author makes it clear what way out of them can be found.what the fable's fables teachAll that Krylov's fables teaches isconcepts of goodness and justice Photo: Getty For the first time the fables were recognized as an independent literary genre thanks to Charles Bath. At the heart of these works lie human vices. Entertaining stories describe character traits, recognizable in others. They are realistic and captivate the imagination. The child comprehends the content of the story, which allows you to adjust its behavior.

Moral for Toddlers and Adults

Krylov had a goal in his workimprove the world. The comedy plot hides the imperfections of human society. The virtues and positive achievements are on the podium. The story reveals to the reader:

  • Worthy attitude to life and society;
  • Moral values ​​in behavior;
  • Own shortcomings.

After reading the fable, the worldview undergoes a changechanges. The author skillfully shows how comical the vices of humanity are. The reader, who recognizes himself in the heroes of the work, is critical of his own person.

Short works with deep meaning

All objects in Krylov's works havespecial meaning. In the fable "The Mirror and the Monkey", the author endows the mirror with the properties of a provocateur. It reflects the true essence of events. You need to strive to correct your own behavior, and not criticize others. This is the only way to improve the world. The works help to deeply study the Russian language. They contain:

  • Sayings;
  • Complex speech speed;
  • Proverbs.

Reading fables in class develops imaginationschoolchildren. Human images are eloquently transferred to animals. This technique hints at the heroes of the plot, but does not give them away. Aphorisms used by the author quickly spread among the people. Fairy tales became a source of folk wisdom. This genre describes moral problems in understandable images. Plays and productions are filmed based on fables, which are liked by children of all ages.

