In the rhythm of tango

Raise a healthy, beautiful, successful child- the task of every parent. And dances will help mothers and fathers in this! The benefits of dancing for children have long been proven. A beautiful posture, a wonderful figure and gait, the ability to keep balance - you can immediately see the guys who are doing ballet, Latino or some other direction. Dancing movements develop flexibility, endurance, there is a general recovery of the whole organism. Yes, and in school, these classes also help - dance activity has a very good effect on the development of mental abilities, memory. In addition, dancing helps to raise self-esteem, teach you to calmly endure failures, strive for a goal. The club's staff will make the child more sociable, his fears and insecurities will go away. And one more advantage - there is no need to force the child to practice dancing, he himself will not want to miss training and will ask his parents to take him to the dance club as soon as possible! soil ": choose a good club with a large selection of directions, in which professional teachers work. Here's a hint, pay attention to Krasnodar. He has been working for many years and has an excellent reputation in the dance environment. Many students are prize-winners of competitions of different levels, including all-Russian ones. All conditions have been created in Antares so that both children and adults would like it here from the very first lesson. The coaches are professionals of the highest level, for them dancing is not just a job, but a life's work. They will help their students to fall in love with this art form, whatever direction you choose.

  • all kinds of ballroom dances.
  • children's dances and choreography - the basics of ballroom dances for kids. Children are 3-4 years old, 5-6 years old, 7-10 years old.
  • Latin American - samba, cha-cha-cha, rumba, pasadoble and others.
  • European - slow waltz, Viennese waltz, quickstep, tango, foxtrot and others.

“For those who cannot imagine their life withoutdance, loves to work, work on his body, make it better, perform in competitions, receive cups, medals, diplomas, loves outdoor activities or just wants to have a good time! The doors of our club are open for you! " - says the head of the dance and sports club "Antares" Tatyana Adamskaya. Enroll your children in the club, or rather come to classes together - you will immediately feel how exciting the world of dancing is, and good results will not take long! Where:, Krasnodar, district regional hospital, st. May 1, 278, tel. 8-918-19-123-19.

