What powder to wash children's clothes with

If you don't wash your baby clothes properly, you canharm your own child. Pathogenic bacteria get onto the baby's delicate skin again from unwashed laundry. And an incorrectly selected powder can cause an allergy.than to wash children's thingsKnowing how to erase children's things, you can notworry for their cleanliness Photo: Getty Powders for washing baby clothes need to be selected from the assortment of brands that produce only children's products. On sale you can find liquid detergent "Our Mother", powders "World of Childhood", "Aistenok" and "Ushasty nanny." Picking up the powder, you need to give preference to those products that do not contain flavors, bleaches, chlorine and perfumes in their composition. If, after using washed clothes, the child has a rash or irritation, then the cause is in the powder. It will need to be replaced.

How to wash baby clothes for newborns

When buying washing powder for newborns, pay attention to the packaging. It should say that it is suitable for washing clothes from 0+. The best washing products for newborns:

  • Laundry soap. It is considered a universal remedy that does not hurt the health of the crumbs. But it can only be used for manual washing.
  • Baby soap. This tool is also harmless, but it will not be possible to put it in the automatic machine.
  • Soap shavings. It is made from whey of milk. You can only erase it with your hand.
  • Special free-flowing powders and liquid products for children. These products can be used for machine washing.
  • Regular adult bleaches, conditionersand stain removers should not be used, since children's skin does not need such an abundance of chemicals. Children's clothes should be washed separately. In no case should you use regular powders, since they contain many chemicals and bleaches. Until the baby is three years old, his clothes should be washed with a baby detergent. Mothers of children prone to allergies should wash their clothes with the same powder, because it is in direct contact with the baby's skin. Knowing what to wash children's clothes with and following simple washing rules, you will save your baby from restless sleep, skin irritation and discomfort. Also interesting:

