The meaning of a fairy tale

A fairy tale in which the king does not know how to keep his word anddies of women's enchantments, the poet wrote for adults. We get acquainted with her at an early age. When it comes time to read this story to your children, it turns out that there is a lot of strange and incomprehensible in it.meaningThe meaning of the tale of the cockerel is not always clear. Photo: GettyThe number of secrets of the most mysterious Pushkin fairy tale is revealed. The source of her story is found in the story of V. Irving about the Moorish sultan. This monarch also received from the old man a magical means to protect the borders. It became known also how the astrologer is connected with the Shemakhan locality: exiled scouts of sectarians were sent to the Azerbaijani city of Shemakha. But the secrets remained. We do not know why the tsar's sons killed each other, but we only guess what happened between them and the Shamakhan queen. The king-maiden is the product of dark forces. Her ominous laugh accompanies the murder of a sage. In the end, the queen disappears without a trace, as if it dissolves in the air. Perhaps she was a demon or a ghost, or maybe a living beautiful and seductive woman. A fairy tale does not explain who a starlet is - a good wizard or an evil sorcerer. The old scapegrator refuses all the gifts and for some reason demands a queen. Maybe he wants to protect the kingdom from the witch's glamor, or maybe he just envies the sovereign and wants to take away from him the most precious. Or is it part of his complex plan to conquer power, and the cockerel and the girl are magical instruments in his hands.

What does the tale teach?

Guys understand the story through the heroes. Positive characters receive a reward for kindness, generosity, diligence. Negative - show how not to act. For greed, laziness and deceit always follows a payoff. Kids learn why the hero was punished, what he did wrong. for childrenA fairy tale is a fascinating and useful reading for children. Photo: GettyThe Tsar is endowed with such traits that do not lead him to the good:

  • Carelessness. Dadon promises to fulfill any desire of the astrologer. He does not worry that the payment for the thing found may be too high.
  • Laziness. You could come up with other ways to protect yourself from enemies. The king does not do this, because he has a magic bird. A sorcerer's help is the simplest solution.
  • Dishonesty. There are people who can knit something and not pay. They come up with different excuses, for example, that the price was exorbitant. The ruler decides that the old man does not need a girl, and he will not make a foolish request.
  • The habit of achieving everything by force. In his youth, the monarch ravaged and plundered his neighbors, now he kills the wise man who stood in his way.

Dadon does not draw conclusions, does not learn from his mistakes, always acts the way he is used to. From the new obstacle he gets rid in a familiar way. As a result, the hero dies.

What is the use of fairy tales for children?

Through a fairy tale, a child learns the world and humanrelations. In fairy tales, good and evil return to the one who created it. Previously, Dadon offended his neighbors, now they offend him. The fairy tale advises not to give empty promises and keep a word. The king refused to persuade and paid for it. The sovereign summons magic to help and gains the lost power. But soon his sons and he himself falls under the influence of the sorcerous charms of the Shamakhan queen. The magic cockerel first serves its master, and then pounces on it. The little reader sees that it is better to rely on oneself, not to wait for the help of magic. A fairy tale shows that one must think about the consequences of one's actions, calculate strength. The king attacked other countries and conquered many lands. In his old age he wanted to live in peace, but nothing happened. The borders of his state expanded, and it became difficult to follow them. The ruler does not know from which side he will be attacked, he does not have time to react quickly. In the fairy tale about the magic cockerel, there is a lot of instructive, but there is also some understatement, unclear points. To answer all children's questions, you need to understand it yourself. Those who want to do this, it will be interesting to read "The Legend of the Arabian astrologer", which inspired Pushkin to create the work.

