Photo:Tatiana Belkova's personal archive She came to our first meeting wearing a headscarf, constantly smiling and embarrassedly hiding her hands burnt by the next chemotherapy under the table. A year later, I did not recognize her ... On the threshold stood a beautiful fragile blonde in a smart dress and high heels. Tatyana Belkova is a little over 30 years old, she has three children, four jobs and no husband. She learned about cancer over a year ago. Then the source of her income was cakes, which she baked in a six-meter kitchen and sold. The diagnosis did not cripple Tanya, but only made her mobilize. In between the side effects from various unpleasant procedures, she continued to be a mother and a business woman with cakes. Then numerous subscribers of her Instagram page sympathized with her, empathized, supported, now admire her. She not only defeated the disease, although remission can hardly be called a victory, and became incredibly prettier, but also continues to gain momentum in social activities. When chemotherapy ruined Tanya's hands, she could not bake. But you have to live and feed your children for something. She went to a cosmetics company where her mom built the business. Happened! So she got another job, because she soon returned to her favorite business - cakes. Even during her illness, Tanya had so much energy that she organized her own club "The Art of Living", within which she regularly held meetings with everyone to share her joys and hear about strangers. Extremely positive! So she was soon offered to host a program on the online radio "Comet" with the name of her club. The story is still the same - meetings with interesting, positive people who share their experience and knowledge on the air. For this work, Tanya does not receive a penny, only positive emotions. She was also lucky enough to try herself as an Internet journalist on a car portal - she arranges test drives for different cars and writes about them from the point of view of a beautiful blonde. By the way, she also does not receive money for this, she works for experience. And Tanya dreams of her social program on television, and all this between a fitness club for herself, a school and a swimming pool for 12-year-old Petit, kindergarten and English classes for 7-year-old Vitya and 5-year-old Masha. In their free time from work and circles, they go together to cafes, cinema, museums and travel.

