"Grandfather can, grandfather can do anything", - it isso you can paraphrase the words of a famous song. Indeed, grandparents tend to have more time to communicate with their grandchildren, which means more time to implement different ideas. And, as the practice has shown, the whole sea! If to make a kind of rating, the most favorite place for grandchildren is the houses, arbours, sandboxes. It is there that the child builds up his little world, plays, spends time with friends. Therefore, the construction of such a house - must have for any site. However, the house must be not only convenient and beautiful, but also safe, so it is important that it was built of natural (non-synthetic and non-flammable!) Materials. For example, like this one! It is located, incidentally, in the Perm region. Are you having a holiday in the open air or are you planning a themed birthday? Of course, today you can invite a special company that will decorate everything according to the rules, decorate and dress. But it's much better to do it yourself. And with the involvement of the child himself. A perfect example - a pirate ship, which appeared in the courtyard of a friendly family from the Tomsk region.A photo: Alena Emelyanova Do not forget about the numerous homemade toys: from wooden swords to machines, carved from wood. All these are beautiful and very necessary elements of a real childhood! Make sure that your grandson (granddaughter) they always had.
A photo: Alena Emelyanova Any small thing will be perceived by the child as a fairy tale, if you do it. For example, paint in bright colors the most common thing - a bath tub! Eyes, a nose, a smile - and a funny face is ready. The place of "registration" is the village of Molchanovo.
Photo: Social networksOr another example is the garden architecture of small forms. Anything will suit you: benches, wells, slides or such here are "Houses of the Yaga's Woman". It is located in Siberia.
A photo: Social networks Another great example is the zoning of space at the dacha with the mandatory installation of sports facilities there. For example, a bar on which already grown-up grandchildren will be able to train. The photo was sent from Omsk.
A photo: Social networks By the way, fairy tales are loved not only by children, but also by adults. Therefore, the option of installing garden figures is also unbeatable! Especially in the event that you really want to surprise the guests and once again show them that your home is a dream come true!