The reasons why babies turn sour eyes

Eye problems in childhood canappear for various reasons. Usually symptoms of a pathological condition are observed in the morning. During the night, pus accumulates in the eye area, so they sour.Usually a child's eyes turn sour after sleepUsually a child's eyes turn sour after sleepPhoto: Getty It can happen with such diseases:

  • Conjunctivitis. The disease develops because of the entry into the body of various infections, as a result of allergies or inflammatory diseases. In addition to sour eyes, the child's body temperature rises. With viral conjunctivitis, the mucous membranes of the optic organs can turn red.
  • Dacryocystitis. This is a rare pathology that occurs in the first days of a baby's life. It arises because of the blockage of the lacrimal canal by the remains of embryonic tissue. The disease is accompanied by redness, swelling of the eyelids, as well as purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • Cold. ARI or ARVI appear as a result of getting a viral infection in the body. And she can easily switch to the organs of the child's vision. Therefore, the common cold rarely flows without souring the eyes and without lacrimation.
  • Adenoviral infection. There is a discharge of dark green mucus from the nose, a sore throat, an increase in temperature. There is a defeat of the respiratory system and eyes.

Treatment of preschool children should be done under the strict supervision of a doctor. After all, only the doctor can determine why his eyes began to sour.

What to do to relieve symptoms

For treatment of sourness,eye drops, age-appropriate baby. In addition, depending on the disease that caused the symptom, apply these or other drugs. Therefore, before their appointment, the doctor examines the baby, carries out the necessary diagnostic tests. If the disease has a viral nature, antiseptic solutions for washing the eyes will help. To treat bacterial pathology, antibacterial ointments and creams should be used. When the eyes are sour, infants are used for washing using weak herbal decoctions. The use of antibiotics is undesirable, since it can lead to a decrease in childhood immunity. Eye sore in children should be treated by a pediatrician or an ENT. The use of medicinal products at its discretion is not recommended.

