Hippotherapy: reviewsHippotherapy is a wonderful support for children andadultsPhoto: Thinkstock/FotobankA horse is a baby's legsAmong parents of children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and mental and speech development delays, hippotherapy treatment has proven itself to be one of the most effective methods. The secret of hippotherapy is that the horse becomes the baby's legs. And every step with the horse is a step, if not towards healing, then towards improving the condition. According to experts, the connection between the rider and the horse is established due to the fact that the horse's and the person's steps are identical. It's all about love and supportDuring hippotherapy, the child develops not only physically, but also mentally. Feedback is important for children, they love their horse and feel support. Although some doctors are skeptical about hippotherapy, since its therapeutic effect has not been proven by medicine, reviews from parents whose children have worked with horses indicate that this treatment practice deserves attention. A horse is better than physical education Hippotherapy is widely used not only for sick children, it helps healthy children at a young age to strengthen muscles, develop the vestibular apparatus. Sitting astride, the child uses all the muscles of the body, learns to take independent actions and improves concentration. Practice shows that regular horseback riding stabilizes blood circulation in the body and increases overall tone. However, with all the benefits of hippotherapy, you should not rely on this method of therapy as the only one. Before classes, especially if we are talking about classes for a sick child, it is imperative to consult a therapist and not stop treatment with traditional methods. Riding is useful for many In any case, making friends with horses will be useful for everyone. This will give you good posture, weight loss, and peace of mind. Hippotherapy is especially suitable for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. How to do it?

