What is this - boring tales?

The boring fairy tale was created as a parody of a real fairy tale. In it, meaning, length and coherence were brought to the point of absurdity, repeating themselves many times and turning into a bad infinity.boring talesDocs are told to get rid ofannoying listeners Photo: Getty The tale was obsessed with a short piece of text, a phrase or a story. At the same time, the rest of the text of the blend was minimized to the full loss of meaning and played an auxiliary role. Such a fairy tale could be told endlessly, until the process became boring for the listener and narrator. To the ducks is the fairy tale-proverb about the white bull-calf, the poem "Buy an elephant" and the well-known tale-song "The priest had a dog ...". Modern fairy tales-torrents for children have the same structure. Many of them contain rhyme and rhythm, but are also found in prose. They are like a long chain, fastened with a repeating phrase or question. In some deceptions, there is an appeal to the listener, a question to which he is obliged to answer. After this, the narration spins up again. The plot of such tales do not. Each new round of narration causes the listener to become more perplexed and annoyed. Especially often such nuisances like to get rid of annoying kids.

How to think up a fairy tale-bug for a 3-grade child?

Today, the study of fairy tales-dokuk is included ina mandatory program for third-graders. Students not only read well-known funny poems without meaning, but also come up with them themselves. Of course, not without the help of their parents. How to compose a trick poem? There is nothing easier. You need to take any action as a basis and focus on it. The main thing is to show maximum imagination. The sequence of the composition:

  • The fairy tale, as a rule, begins with deceit of the listener and promises to tell him an interesting story.
  • Then comes a brief description of the main character - once upon a time there was such and such, he went there, did this and that.
  • Any action of the hero is repeated many times, and the ending of a fairy tale becomes its beginning.
  • To avoid tiring the child and to make it easiermemorizing a rhyme, you should not come up with a complex and long work. Let it be a short fairy tale about understandable things with a funny ending. The kid will like it.

