If you have children, you are ten times a day.you will reproach yourself that you are an imperfect parent. And I would like to be. But living people rarely get perfection in everything. And then there are all sorts of "sympathizers" with their unsolicited advice, and even criticism ... Are you sitting at home? Ugh, what a lazy man you are. I went to work? Cuckoo mother. Do you do fitness? Better with the child learn the letters! Not doing? You started yourself as a cow. Karen Johnson, tired of wanting to please everyone at once, so that she would no longer be ashamed of her, decided to give up this occupation. She has two goals: first, to explain to moms that the methods of education are different for everyone, but this does not mean that someone is worse and someone is better. Secondly, she wants some moms to stop condemning others simply because they are raising children differently than they. Karen created a community in which she turned to all Facebook moms. Her sincere post became viral: more than 800 thousand likes and over half a million reposts. In general, a sin not to quote.A photo: @ 21stcenturysahm “Girls, I want to relieve the soul. My home is never clean. Never ever. I have friends with children whose home has been perfectly cleaned. Are they better mothers than me? Not. Am I better than them? Also not. I do fitness every day. I have girlfriends-mothers, the only training of which is crazy running around children. Does this make any of us a better mother? No. I have a girlfriend who gave birth in an inflatable pool at home. I gave birth in a hospital bed, having received my gift from an epidural fairy. We both are good mothers. Sometimes I allow myself a glass of wine or beer. Sometimes - in front of my children. I am a good mother. My neighbor and friend never drinks. And she is also a good mother. I am loud and impetuous. I have a very quiet, calm and patient girlfriend. I envy her. But we are both good mothers. I have friends who eat only superorganic products, without any chemicals and dyes. My children sometimes eat ice cream for breakfast. Cheap. Does that make any of us better than others? Not.
A photo: @ 21stcenturysahmI swear, but not in front of children. Are you a bad mom if you curse yourself with children? Hell, no! I participate in the school life of children, but I don’t spend all my days at school. Moms who do it better than those like me? No, no and NO. I am incredibly grateful to volunteers who help teachers, but I myself will not do this. Are housewives better than working moms? No. Are working moms better than housewives? No. Are married mothers better than single women? No. Will you become a better mom if you take the kids with you on an exotic trip? No. Can you be a good mother, if the maximum, where are you going with your children, is it the nearest park? Yeah. You can be a good mom if you plan for the summer a lot of interesting events? Of course! And if you have no plans for the summer? Anyway, yes.
Photo:@21stcenturysahm Do good moms let their kids watch TV? Play video games? If you say no, fine. It's your choice. You're a mom. And you're a good one. I'm a Christian. My neighbor is a Muslim. My friend is an atheist. We're all good moms. I breastfed. My kids don't know what formula is. Am I better than moms who bottle feed? No. You know what I mean? Maybe we should just take a second to stop judging each other and be supportive instead? Just tell both yourself and her that being a mom isn't easy. But you're both doing a great job. What do you think of Karen's idea? Also good to know: