Do not be embarrassed that while slush is on the street,mud and dampness, water-filled slides on the playground, wet snow, trailously falling right halfway to the swings. Above the nose! Everything is all right, everything goes its own way - this is for you "troubles", and for the kid - an interesting experience. Let's turn it in a positive direction: spring is useful for the development of the child! In this regard, the first item on our list of "spring affairs" ... 1. We investigate the puddles and let the ships. For the beginning we put on rubber boots (with a heater) - yes, yes, both to the child, and to itself! We do not want mother's wet feet to make everyone come home from this spring holiday! Now you can climb into a puddle! Measure the depth of the puddle with the stick. Blade widen the channel of the stream, connecting it with a puddle, or combine several streams together. You can arrange a dam, having made a path in the way of a barrier. Well, and of course let the boats! Without them, there can not be any childhood! It can be like paper boats that you and your child will do on their own, as well as any sticks and twigs found on the street.Photo: GettyImages2. Put a twig of bird cherry, poplar or birch in the vase and observe how the leaflets appear. For more interest, start a diary in which you write down when you brought the twig home, then when the leaves began to appear, well, when the leaves completely blossomed. The quickest leaves appear bird cherry and poplar. At the poplar, by the way, even roots will appear, so that the branch can be planted later. Make a birdhouse and hang it in the park, in the woods or at the dacha. This is not only a very exciting activity, but also brings up a love for nature in the child. Just do not try to decorate the birdhouse too much - it's better that it's just wooden. The fact that the smell of paint, glue, varnish does not like birds, and they do not settle in such houses. Let sunny rabbits. In sunny weather, take a mirror with you for a walk. The kid will be happy how to catch sunburns, and let them. Choose some distant goal and practice who can launch the bunny so far. Arrange the spring photosession. And it is obligatory for the child to be a photographer too! Having arranged a photo session with a child in nature, you can not just get great shots for a family album, but also have fun and have a great time with the whole family.Photo: GettyImages6. Draw the crayons on the asphalt or draw a picture in the fresh air. We like to draw almost all the children, it's especially interesting to do it on the street. Take colorful crayons for your walk and add asphalt colors. Either feel real artists - take pencils, paints, an easel or just a folder under paper, select a beautiful place in the park and draw it along with your child. Arrange a picnic in nature and listen to the birds. This can be presented as a real trip. It is not necessary to go somewhere far away. Take everything you need (tea in a thermos, light snack, plaid) and go to nature. Do not halt or just sit in the clearing and have a picnic. Listen to the singing of birds. In the spring they chirp in a particularly delightful way. Enjoy the peace and spring mood. Discuss with the child what birds he saw, who sings. Put on your windowsill your mini-garden. Probably, all as a child at least once germinated onion. Wisdom any: we take an onion and put it in a glass with water. In a week there will be quite decent green "arrows". You can also sow the seeds of dill, parsley, lettuce in the boxes and put them on the windowsill. Be careful that the child is an active participant in the entire procedure of planting and caring for the shoots: let them loosen the soil, dig in seeds, water. It's not only exciting, but at home you will have early greens to the table.Photo: GettyImages9. Find the first spring flowers.It is better not to tear flowers, but they can be carefully examined, sniffed, photographed or then painted. Tell the child about this flower, say that its nectar is fed by bees, and then they make honey. Plant a tree or a bush. You can plant a tree or shrub at the dacha, in the park or near the entrance. The lilac bush is quite unpretentious, and its bright and aromatic bloom will please every spring. During the landing, tell the child that you need to handle plants with great care, so as not to damage the root system, because it is with her help that plants receive nutritious substance from the soil. And also, tell us that a tree can hurt when its twigs break, as it hurts a person when he injures an arm or leg. For the plant planted with its own strength the baby will take care with special scrupulousness. And of course your child will take care of nature and ecology from childhood. What are you planning to do this spring? Share your plans in the comments!

