Admit it, do you keep your school notebooks? And when you reread, for example, works for 6-7 grade, do not die of laughter? Still would! After all, these creative works seemed to us to be almost masterpieces, and now they are examples of the comic. The main thing is to laugh in a kind way, so as not to offend vulnerable authors. This is exactly how the teacher of the Russian language and literature of one of the Tomsk schools Rinat Bakeyev did. On his social networking page, he began to conduct a new section, in which he regularly reads excerpts from the writings of sixth-grade pupils, whom he himself teaches.Funny video teacher literature shoots against the backgroundportrait of Pushkin Photo: Personal archive of Rinat Bakeyev "I will say right away that all the compositions are 100% real, I just allow myself to edit, since the original title was created in Instagram with its one-minute format", Rinat admits. Short videos have already been appreciated by Internet users. We hope you will appreciate them too. Moreover, this is an excellent occasion not only to laugh in a good way, but also, perhaps, more responsibly approach the issue of doing homework with the child.

