Kyle Hubler teaches mathematics for the seventh andeighth grades in the regular high school of Evergreen. Preparing for the new academic year, he thought that it would be nice to facilitate the children's return to the lessons after the summer holidays. Mathematics is not easy at all. But how? Do not give the same students unreasonable indulgences. And Kyle figured it out. And then I spent five weeks to realize my idea. He lingered after work, sat in the evenings - as much as 70 hours was needed to carry out the plan. And that's what he did.1 / 5Photo: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepely It turns out that Kyle Khubler is a fan of a series of Harry Potter novels. Therefore, he decided to recreate a small branch of Hogwarts, a school for wizards, on the territory entrusted to him. Thought it over to the smallest detail: the design of walls, ceiling, lighting, built workshops and a laboratory for alchemists, a library for future magicians. Some things brought from home, some made, bought something on the Internet, and somehow got hold of in garage sales. "Harry Potter books were very influential to me when I was little. Being a child is sometimes difficult: sometimes I felt like a stranger, I did not have my hangouts. Reading was for me an outlet. For the book, I felt that I belonged to a special circle of friends, "Kyle said. When the children entered the classroom on the first day of school, the teacher literally heard how their jaws fell off.1 / 15Photo: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @ kylepelyPhoto: @kylepely "They wandered around the office, looking at every detail, talking and shared with classmates finds. " Kyle is really happy that he was able to please his students. And not only them - his post on Facebook with photos of the former boring office of mathematics was shared by almost 20 thousand people. "I love my work, I like my students. I want them to always be sure that they will be able to achieve their dreams, even if it seems unattainable or magical, "said the teacher." Why did not I have such a teacher at school? "- they ask in chorus in commentaries. Many, by the way, are ready to nominate him for the title of teacher of the year already now. In fact, why not? After all, mathematics teens are now taught with much more enthusiasm than before. We offer you a walk in an unusual class.

