Education in the familyEducation in the familyEducation in the familyEducation in the familyEducation in the family1 / 5Photo: Personal ArchivePhoto: Personal ArchivePhoto: Personal ArchivePhoto: Personal ArchivePhoto: Personal ArchiveEducation in the familyEducation in the family1 / 2Photo: Personal archivePhoto: Personal archiveDenis Baryshnikov, 10 yearsMy Gymnasium No. 5.Dostings: "Denis is a very purposeful child (although he does not like it when they call him that)," says Elena's mother. - Engaged in several sports at once: football, cycling and swimming. At club competitions he won the first place in swimming on his back. In addition, he enjoys studying and striving to achieve better results everywhere. He is the winner of subject Olympiads in several subjects ". And Denis certainly has the reader's talent, he won the 2nd prize at the Pushkin Readings contest. He is keen on roller skating and skating and is making progress in programming. A cherished dream: to perform a hymn Russia on the podium. How do you help the child to succeed: we love Denis very much, but at the same time we think that discipline is of no small importance, especially in order to achieve the goals set, to be successful. The child feels calmer when he knows clear boundaries and boundaries, understands what, when and how he should do it. And at the same time, we try to show respect for the interests and personality of Denis, take into account his desires, mood. Parents in the first place should be sensitive and loving. Then the child will succeed and he will be happy. Vote for Denis Education in the familyEducation in the familyEducation in the familyEducation in the familyEducation in the familyEducation in the family1 / 6Photo: Personal archivePhoto: Personal archivePhoto: Personal archivePhoto: Personal archivePhoto: Personal archivePhoto: Personal archiveGodil Gavrilov, 4 yearsChildren's garden № 294. Accomplishments: artistic, sings, very well draws, dances, kind, sympathetic child. Me: drive a car, become a builder and build a beautiful and big house for moms and dads. As you help the child to succeed: we try to help in the development of his talents, teach to be assiduous and take seriously the business started. Vote for Zahara Education in the familyEducation in the familyEducation in the familyEducation in the family1 / 4Gafurova AlinaPhoto: Personal archivePhoto: Personal archivePhoto: Personal archivePhoto: Personal archiveAlina Gafurova, 10 yearsGermnasium № 7.Accounts: since 5 years, is fond of cooking, cares for animals. Mechta: open your confectionery and shelter for homeless animals. How you help the child to achieve success: we are the whole family - my mother , dad and two brothers are big sweeties, and we help Alina to find and prepare dishes, baking with new recipes. My daughter is happy to come up with her own recipes. Alinochka is a very kind girl, she loves animals and cares for them. We have 7 cats at home, including 1 cat, 3 cats and 3 kittens. Alina is a sensitive girl, she will never pass by a homeless kitten, she will certainly feed him, warm her, and caress her. We, of course, encourage the good deeds of the daughter. Vote for Alina

