How many doctors did your child go through? If the health is okay, then it is unlikely that more than a couple of dozen specialists will be recruited, and even then due to planned medical examinations of narrow specialists. Christopher Bowen from Dallas to eight years had time to visit hundreds of doctors. On his account - 323 cases of hospitalization and 13 surgeries. Do you think the boy was not lucky with health and he is terribly sick? No, he's absolutely healthy. But his mother - unlikely. Kailin, Christopher's mother, was considered a real heroine. She's fighting for her son's life all these eight years. Getting out of the way, he takes it to the doctors, nurses after the operations. People collected donations to ease the life of an unhappy child with a bunch of dangerous diseases that slowly killed him. "I do not know how long my boy will live," Kaylin cried as she gave out the interview.Photo: It all started before the baby was born. Chris's parents were not married or even lived together. The casual sex ended in pregnancy, and Kailin decided to keep the baby. Ryan, his father, did not refuse to participate in the life of the baby. But we rarely saw the baby - he was sick all the time. “Every week Chris was diagnosed with a new disease,” Ryan says. It was he who tried to draw the attention of the police to the mother's behavior. But the court eventually forbade him to approach the child: Kailin convinced the judge that her son was too sick, and the father had no idea how to treat him. Anyway, their meetings have a bad effect on the boy's health. Visiting doctors began when Chris was 11 days old. The mother decided that he was allergic to milk. Further more. Kailin claimed that Chris has a rare medical condition that makes it difficult for him to breathe. The kid did not part with the oxygen cylinder now. The mother drove the child in a wheelchair - according to her, he was too weak to walk. Then Kailin said that the child had cancer. And she even tried to get her son included in the lung transplant program. All this time, the father was trying to prove that his son is absolutely healthy. But nobody listened to him. The judges, looking at the mother's tears, repeatedly denied Ryan the right to see the child. And only last year, an investigation began: doctors one by one confirmed that the boy had no health problems. The doctors did not find a single proof of the diseases attributed to him by his mother. However, the operations were still done and the drugs were prescribed regularly! It just doesn't fit in my head. Compassionate people continued to transfer money to Kailin for Chris's treatment. The boy was still wrapped in tubes: the oxygen was added to the nutritional one. In the end, the mother refused the services of doctors who offered to wean Chris from drugs. "From exaggerating the symptoms, the mother moved on to producing them," the medical report says. That is, Kailin started giving the child substances that caused the seizures! “The woman seems to have Munchausen's syndrome. This is a mental disorder in which a person either pretends, or exaggerates, or artificially induces symptoms of the disease, so that there is a reason to go to the doctors. This is how people get the attention and care that they lack in real life. It is scary that in this case the child turned out to be a victim of the unhealthy psyche of the mother, ”explains psychologist Maria Klishina. Now Kailin is arrested, and the boy was sent to a foster family. His father has started a new series of battles - he wants his son to finally live with him. After all, he fought for Chris all this time, although no one believed him. Now people are collecting donations to hire a lawyer for Ryan and Chris has finally found a normal family.

