Symptoms of Rett syndrome

In the first months of a child's life, there are obvious signsthere are no diseases. However, parents should be alerted by such factors as muscle weakness, pale skin, excessive sweating of the extremities, and low body temperature.rett syndrome symptomsRett syndrome is completely incurablePhoto: Getty The main symptoms of Rett syndrome begin to appear around 6 months. These include:

  • Disproportionate: the head and limbs are too small in comparison with the trunk.
  • Problems with speech. By the age of 2 years the child can learn to talk at all.
  • Walking with straight knees, since the baby can not bend them.
  • Curvature of the spine and frequent cramps.
  • Slowing growth.
  • Hyperventilation, when the child breathes quickly and shallowly. There are also cases of apnea - sudden cessation of breathing.

Doctors say the disease is genetic. The illness can lead to the child becoming unable to move independently by the age of 10 and to begin losing weight rapidly.

Is it possible to cure Rett's syndrome?

Scientists around the world are trying to developa drug that can make the processes occurring in the body reversible. Stem cells are being actively studied. Laboratory experiments on mice have already been conducted, which have yielded favorable results. It is quite possible that in the near future a drug will appear that can defeat the syndrome. In the meantime, the following drugs are used to treat the disease:

  • Medicines. Anticonvulsants reduce the incidence of epileptic seizures. Well proven carbamazepine and recently appeared lamotrigine. For a good sleep, melatonin is prescribed. Also, therapy includes drugs that stimulate the activity of the brain.
  • High-calorie diet. It is designed to combat weight loss, which is typical for sick girls. The menu should include foods rich in fiber and vitamins. In addition, you need to eat every 3 hours.
  • Gymnastics and massage. These procedures increase the flexibility of the body, give the muscles the muscle tone, develop limbs.

The methods that exist today make the manifestations of the disease less noticeable, but they cannot cure the disease completely. Read on:

