Why there is an allergy

If one of the relatives or parents has an allergy to bananas, there is a possibility that the child can also get it.allergy to bananasAllergy to bananas arises from the aggressive reaction of immunity to foreign substances Photo: Getty Causes of allergy:

  • Reaction of the body to serotonin. This substance in bananas is contained in large quantities. Overabundance of serotonin is manifested by a profuse rash.
  • Influence of chemicals. Exotic fruits are always processed with chemicals to preserve their presentation and extend shelf life. If these components penetrate the pulp, the body can react negatively.
  • Cross reaction. Bananas, avocados, kiwi, tomatoes have a similar protein complex. Therefore, if a child reacts negatively to a kiwi or a tomato, it may develop and an allergy to bananas.
  • Do not give the baby a whole banana. Give him a little piece. If the body does not give an alarm during the day, then everything is fine.

    Symptoms of allergy to bananas in children

    The use of banana in some children is accompanied by the usual symptoms of food allergy:

    • redness of cheeks;
    • dryness and peeling of the skin;
    • pimples;
    • itching;
    • swelling of the respiratory tract.

    The kid reacts violently to discomfort, cries,he is capricious and does not sleep well. In children older than a year, the allergy manifests itself differently. They complain of abdominal pain and nausea, many have diarrhea. On the skin appear red spots or rash, which are strongly itchy. Some children react poorly even to the smell of fruit, begin to sneeze and suffocate. If the allergy to bananas in children manifests itself from time to time, it means that it is a matter of chemical processing of fruits. A fruit grown without pesticides and not treated with chemistry does not cause a negative reaction. A child who is allergic should be shown to the doctor. He will prescribe a dosage of antihistamines and fortifying agents. To soothe the itch and remove the rashes, the baby needs to bathe in the broth of chamomile or string. The rapid removal of allergens from the body is helped by sorbents. Compliance with the rules of the diet and the implementation of the recommendations of a doctor will help reduce the risk of worsening allergies. Medications are used only to alleviate the condition of the child. With age, everything can be normalized. Otherwise bananas will have to be permanently or permanently excluded from the menu. Also interesting:

