1. Even if you are a great specialist in compiling lists and tightly controlling your daily routine, it's worth forgetting about it. Perhaps you will be able to watch a couple of movie novels (with thirty pauses) or read a book, which has long been put an eye (half a page at a time). But that's all! Seriously! 2. You will start spending such good amounts on "all the best for a child" - dummies, bottles, rattles of all sorts and colors. As a result, it turns out that the very first child will approach what you offer him, and the rest will have to be given away by girlfriends. Constantly swinging from side to side and shaking hands in a lulling rhythm will become a habit. It does not matter if you have a child in your arms or not. It will be so natural that you even stop noticing that you are rocking. But you will look nice in the queue, for example. And the muscles on your hands will appear.Photo: Gettyimages4. You will begin to pronounce odes in honor of those amazing people who invented diapers and wet wipes. Napkins, by the way, will be on you on every shelf, in every pocket. This is salvation, I promise. If before birth you spent hours on mother's websites and forums, soon after the appearance of the baby will stop doing it. First, of course, your child is unique, and general advice for him is not suitable (most moms come to this conclusion). Secondly, you will see that if you collect all the recommendations in one heap, they will mostly contradict each other. Thirdly, you simply will not remain for this time, you will have to comprehend everything in practice. 6. By the way, you will understand that the watch is a completely unnecessary accessory. Babies have time to puff. Soon you will, too. In addition, the watch is an expensive, scratching and beating object, so you understand. 7. Wash - every day. Wash the floor - every day. To wipe the dust - every day. Several times a day. Are you obsessed with purgatory? No, you're just the baby's mom.
Photo: Gettyimages8. You will seriously begin to master the technique of silent movement of ninjas. If earlier you did not pay attention to creaking floors, now there is a significant reason for this - a quiet sleep of the baby. We'll have to remember where each floorboard that publishes sounds is, and everything that can be accidentally touched "during the escape" will be hidden deeper. Most likely, you will train your pets to communicate with gestures, so long as Their Highness does not wake up early. 9. Your dream will now be ... Well, it's almost gone. and subsequent motion sickness occurs several times a night, then the same - by day. This is to the question of hours and times: that day, that night - anyway, anyway ... You will be annoyed only by the sight of a peacefully snoring spouse, while you are only dreaming of peace. It is not forbidden to make easy revenge and whisper quietly in the ear of a blessed quote from his favorite films. I wonder what he will see in a dream? 10. Choosing a purchase in the store, you will now read all the instructions and compositions and try on the child: it will do, will it do no harm, how many vitamins and other benefits are there in this. Soap, washing powder, even bottled water will only be marked with 0+. 11. Did they manage with a handbag, in which only lipstick, phone and a purse were placed? All, forget it! Constantly have to carry a road baulk complete with all the necessary baby's lotions at once: nipples, diapers, dry and wet napkins, powder, rattles, spare clothes and even a blanket. Who knows what will happen in the 15 minutes that you and your baby will spend on a campaign for bread? And yes, there will be many walks, so get used to wearing sunglasses. 12. You will realize that there are more dangers in your habitat than it seems. You will start hiding all the stabbing, cutting, sharp, scratching objects, and too fluffy, too cold and too hot, heavy, falling, unstable, beating and easily breaking - in general, almost everything. Now even a manicure is dangerous, because you can accidentally touch the delicate skin of a baby. Perhaps you liked to devote a lot of time to preparing the meal and were happy to cover a three-course dinner with your husband, and then they all quietly absorbed it. Have to leave this habit for a while. The spouse will become more and more alone in the loneliness, and you - in snatches. But you will appreciate what a pleasure it is to drink tea at 2 am in silence.
Photo: Gettyimages14.A bubble bath… You can only dream about it. Even a 5-minute shower is a luxury, because so what if you fed and rocked the baby to sleep? And he just woke up. And daddy hasn’t fully realized what to do in this case. And now they’re standing together at the bathroom door, screaming. So rinse off the shampoo immediately – and off you go, to the battlefield. 15. Finally, you’ll get used to being hugged all the time. It sounds great, but in reality, you’ll have at best only one free hand, which you’ll learn to use so skillfully that a magician, a chef, and a special forces soldier will envy you. Your reaction will also be simply amazing, that’s guaranteed. This was news to think about. And now the good news: the first months after the birth of your child won’t last forever. Even though it will seem that way to you. So allow yourself to just be a happy mom. The most important thing to learn is to enjoy the good moments, there will be plenty of them. And don't forget to laugh, preferably with the little person for whom you are opening the world.