Beginning of complementary feeding with breastfeeding

If you have no problems with milk and your baby is fully breastfed, then you should start introducing complementary foods no earlier than 6 months.complementary feeding for breastfeedingWhen introducing complementary foods to a breastfed baby, it is best to start with vegetable puree Photo: Getty Here are the basic rules for introducing complementary foods to a baby who has been breastfed since birth.

  • Do not feed the baby by force. Better closely monitor what foods he eats with great appetite, and which with less.
  • Lure it better to give in the morning. Immediately after the child's feeding, it is worth to attach to the breast, so that new products are better absorbed. In the remaining meals, the baby should continue to receive breast milk.
  • Make a diary of the baby's nutrition. In it you need to write down what foods you gave the baby and how much, so you immediately understand what the child started with the allergy or which product his body reacted poorly to.

Before introducing solid foods, buy a special high chair for feeding. Without it, feeding the baby will be very difficult.

Feeding for breastfeeding: a choice of foods and foods

There are two ways to feed infants:homemade food and special baby food. It is the second method that pediatricians consider preferable, since jars of baby food contain everything a child needs at a particular age. The first complementary feeding should consist of single-component vegetable puree. It is not advisable to use fruit puree for the first complementary feeding, since it can cause the baby to become addicted to sweets. If the child is underweight, porridge can be used as the first complementary feeding instead of vegetables. Such complementary feeding is introduced on the recommendation of a doctor. Each new type of vegetable should be introduced into the diet no earlier than a week after the child has become accustomed to the previous one. For the first time, you need to give him literally a few grams of a new ingredient and carefully monitor the body's reaction. If the product does not suit the child, he will have problems with stool, a rash. In general, one serving of familiar products should not exceed 150-180 g. If you are unsure whether to start introducing complementary foods into your baby's diet or to hold off for now, consult your pediatrician. He or she will also tell you which product will be ideal as complementary food for your baby. It is also useful to know:

