Photo:personal archiveZoe Berber can safely claim the title of "real mother". The actress this year and next month starts filming the new season "Real Boys" on the TNT channel. But Zoya was faced with the question of how to combine caring for the baby with a busy schedule. “I plan to take my daughter to the playground, I don’t want to interrupt breastfeeding and leave her at home,” Verber told Antenna. - Will be with me, only either with grandmothers or with a nanny. I would like to have a nanny. Soon we will arrange a casting for them, as we did in Real Boys. I will ask the same questions as my heroine. For example, does the applicant have a medical degree. The role of Lera was very useful to me in life - I remembered the rake that the heroes of the series stepped on, and I myself did not make such mistakes. When I became a mother, I began to understand my heroine even more. “There will be another eye” - there is such an expression. And I really want to return to the set. Therefore, I began to put myself in order from the first day after giving birth. There is no need to sit at home. "Photo: personal archive

