Makar with his wife Katya photoMakar with his wife KatyaFoto: Actor's personal archive Young people met at the entrance exam at GITIS and got married five years later in August 2012. “I got the most important role in my life - the role of the pope. Katyusha gave me a daughter, and now I am the happiest man in the world! - Makar shared his joy with Woman’s Day. - We called our daughter Alexandra - in honor of our grandmothers with Katya. Now paternity is in full swing, although, I confess, at first everything that concerned the baby was a complete shock. You do not understand anything - what, how, why, how to handle this little man? Everything is new, unexpected and fun, I tell you! ”"Youth" photoplate of the 3rd season "Youth" Photo:STS Makar's paternity coincided with the continuation of the filming of the series "", where he plays goalkeeper Dmitry Shchukin. Today the first shooting day of the third season of the project started, but Makar did not come to break the plate, stayed at home with his wife and daughter. “This is much more important for me now! - the actor stated with a smile. - Besides, I will not be actively involved in the third part, I will have only 10 shooting days. My hero, apparently, will appear from time to time and slap on the shoulder of his teammates: “Hey, I'm with you!” ”(Laughs).

