January 15 Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov –sonThe couple lived in a civil marriage for seven years, they had a daughter Nastenka - and only then, very recently, they got married. And already in marriage, they had a second child - a boy was born on January 15. True, the name of the baby is still unknown: the couple really does not like to talk about their family life. And even the fact that the family is growing became known thanks to Roman's friend. "That's how it happens ... You congratulate a close friend on his birthday, and at that moment another one has a son! Oksanio & Romario, I congratulate you with all my heart on the newborn! Health to the baby and mom! " - Roman's friend, speed skater Ivan Skobrev revealed the secret of the famous figure skaters.Photo: Marina Volosevich / PhotoXPress.ru19 JanuaryOlesya Sudzilovskaya - the son of MikeActress gave birth to her second child at the age of 41 - she was not afraid. Her first son Artem is seven years old. And he really wanted a brother or sister. "With the baptism of the Lord!" And now exactly with the birth of our baby! Another man appeared in our family, ”the actress wrote in her Instagram after the birth of her son. He was born exactly on the Orthodox holiday, January 19. His name was thought up for a long time. Even Artemka helped. As the baby was called, it was reported only four months after the birth. “In a tight circle, 4 months younger son and my birthday were celebrated! As promised, we announce the name of the little one - Mike! ”Said Olesya Sudzilovskaya.
A photo: @Olesya_sudzilovskaya January 20Sergei Minaev - the daughter of PolinaBusinessman, television and radio host, the writer - in general, a man-orchestra. This year, Sergey Minaev, the author of the book “Duhless” that glorified him, became the father for the third time. From the first marriage, which broke up in 2006, the writer has a daughter. And with the current wife, Elizaveta Menshchikova, they are already raising two children - son Sergey and daughter Polina. The youngest was born on January 20. “It's not a secret that our Polina was born. And we are the happiest parents in the world. Thanks to friends for the kind words and for sharing happiness with us, ”the writer's wife said in her microblog.“ The daughter was named Polina, ”admitted Happy Father to Woman’s Day. “My wife and I always liked that name.” At birth, I was not present, it is useless. Everything went well. Everything I needed for Polina I bought myself at the last minute. We tried not to cook anything beforehand. ”
Photo: @lizminaeva
February 4Maria Poroshina – daughter of GlafiraActress –a real supermom. She gave birth to her fourth child at the age of 42. The girl, who was named Glafira, was born on the night of February 4. Poroshina's eldest daughter, Polina, is already 20, she studies at the theater. In addition to Glafira, Maria has 10-year-old Serafima and Agrafena, who is 5 years old. In an interview with WDay, Maria admitted that she always wanted to have a lot of people in the house - since childhood. The actress herself did not have brothers and sisters. Therefore, she had to create a large family herself. By the way, Maria worked almost until the last day of pregnancy. And she returned to work a month and a half after giving birth. She is too much in demand by viewers.Photo: @mashaporoshina
March 9 Yulia Snigir – son Fedor FamilyThe situation of the couple Yulia Snigir - Evgeny Tsyganov is not simple. More precisely, everything is simple for Yulia: she has never been married, she has only had a couple of relatively serious romances. And last year, Evgeny Tsyganov, an actor and father of many children, appeared in her life. However, he was not officially married to the mother of his seven children, Irina Leonova, either. On March 9, Yulia gave birth to a son. For her, this is the first child, for her lover - already the eighth. As they wrote later, Evgeny took her and her son from the maternity hospital. “He lives with Yulia, takes care of both her and her son, he is in love and happy. They live in a civil marriage, they just do not advertise it because of Tsyganov’s difficult situation,” Yulia’s friend said at the time. And recently, Evgeny Tsyganov proposed to his chosen one to get married.A photo: Maxim Li on March 24Ann Hathaway - the son of Jonathan the Star of the film “The Devil Wears Prada” in her 34 years old became the first mother March 24 of this year, the actress had a son. The boy was named Jonathan. The father of the child is Adam Shulman, the jewelry designer. Ann and Adam have been married since 2012, but their parents have become just now. Paparazzi managed to capture Hollywood mom and child only six months after the birth of the baby. Very much the family protects their privacy. For which no one will condemn them. Ann’s sole revelation is a posting on her Instagram: how to love your body after childbirth and get into old jeans again.
Photo: Getty Images