stain on the back of a childWhite spot on the back and other parts of the body in a child or an adult: the causes Photo: Getty

Causes of spots on a child's back

The causes of stains may be:

  • White lichen is an absolutely non-contagious and non-dangerous disease. In case of pathology, not one white spot appears on the child's back, but several and all over the body - on the face, chest, stomach.
  • Vitiligo disease - spots appear that differ from the main body color by the absence of pigmentation.
  • Psoriasis - flaky patches, mainly localized in the back of the head, on the elbows, forearms, etc.
  • Anemic or depigmented type of nevus - common light-colored moles that need to be monitored.
  • Red spots on the back of a child may occurbecause of an allergic reaction to the powder, ointment, food. It is necessary to exclude allergens from the diet, stop using non-natural powders, detergents, cream, ointments.
  • Insect bites - after a walk in the freshthe baby may be anxious in the air. Parents should always examine the body, especially since it is very easy with daily bathing. A spot and swelling will form at the site of the bite, and it may be necessary to remove the remaining sting, treat it with a special solution or gel.
  • Chickenpox. Infectious disease is accompanied by a rash all over the body, including on the back. Qualitative treatment, taking antihistamines and antipruritic drugs will eliminate the problem, and a few weeks after recovery, the spots will also disappear.
  • Sweat due to synthetics, heat, poor hygiene.
  • Measles - first a rash appears on the body, leaving behind pigmented spots.
  • Pink lichen is a fungus, the first symptom of which is the appearance of spots in different parts of the body, especially in areas of increased sweating.
  • Why do the child have red or white spots on the back?

    There are a number of other diseases that cause a rash that forms uniform spots.

    • If a pathology occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.
    • To try to tear off or smear with any means a stain on the back of a child can not, without knowing the nature of the appearance of stains can be harmful to the health of the baby.
    • A thorough examination by a qualified physician, an analysis of the tests will indicate the reasons.

    Parents should not forget about their direct onesresponsibilities - to maintain hygiene, bathe in baths with decoctions of useful herbs, ventilate the room more often, exclude allergenic products, chemicals when washing and cleaning the house.Also interesting:

