diathesis in childrenDiathesis in children: causesPhoto: Getty

Causes of diathesis in children

At once it is necessary to note, that a diathesis is notdisease, but rather a borderline state, a manifestation of susceptibility to allergies and inflammation. In the child's first years of life, intestinal protection works poorly. In a baby, enzymes are produced in meager amounts, the intestinal walls are more permeable than in adults. Undivided products enter the bloodstream and trigger allergies. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to prevent the transition of diathesis to more serious problems. The cause of diathesis are:

  • Heredity;
  • Artificial lure;
  • Failure of the diet by the nursing mother;
  • Reaction to medicinal preparations;
  • Consumption of allergen products, excessive amount of sweet;
  • Polluted environment.
  • Use of citrus, cereals;

Parents should listen carefullyrecommendations of the doctor and not to use artificial feeding without preliminary consultation with the pediatrician. In milk formulas contains sugar, which most often occurs diathesis. You should be careful when consuming cow's milk, and not only as a complementary food for the baby, but also a nursing mother. In general, doctors categorically do not recommend feeding the baby with this product.

Symptoms of diathesis

In babies, the most frequent symptom is the milk scab. On the skin of the cheeks, there is a strong redness with a crust that can turn into eczema, then into neurodermatitis, a practically incurable disease that creates discomfort affecting the quality of human life. You can determine the diathesis in young children by external signs. Often, pathology affects children with excess weight, even with careful care, diaper rash appears, often prickly heat. A child may have a “geographic tongue”, a choking cough, a pale, puffy face, seborrhea manifests itself, the skin on the scalp of an infant’s baby is covered with small scales. The child has flaccid muscles, possible rhinitis, laryngitis. If you listen to the recommendations of pediatricians, follow a diet, treat a child, then the diathesis passes by 3-4 years. Running diathesis can cause serious allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma, bronchitis, eczema, and severe autoimmune processes in the body. Diathesis prevention is more effective than cure. Used antihistamines cause drowsiness, reduce appetite. The main thing is a healthy diet, frequent presence in the open air, active lifestyle, clothes made from natural fabrics, rejection of numerous chemicals to clean the room, laundry, etc. Read also:

