what to do with abdominal crampsWhat to do with stomach cramps? Photo: Getty

Colic in the stomach: causes

Colic is usually a consequence of malfunctionsgastrointestinal tract. Therefore, there are many reasons for its occurrence. The attending physician should determine which of them is correct and which organ needs treatment. If there are no pathologies, colic is a consequence of:

  • eating stale foods or foods that are based on fermentation processes;
  • improper nutrition. Irregular meals, unbalanced diet, love of fast food cause negative reactions from the intestines;
  • poisonous mushrooms in the stomach, substances, drugs in dangerous quantities, salts of heavy metals;
  • intestinal infections;
  • prolonged stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • viral infections;
  • intestinal obstruction.

What should you do before seeing a doctor to relieve this unpleasant symptom?

Colic in the stomach: what to do

The occurrence of acute pain indicatesthe need for urgent medical attention. It is impossible to determine by sensations where the focus is and with which organ the problem is. The doctor will conduct a palpation, establish the cause of what is happening, and prescribe additional studies. Therefore, if colic occurs in the abdomen, only the doctor decides what to do. The patient's task is to wait for the ambulance to arrive. Despite the presence of acute pain, you cannot take antispasmodics and painkillers. The intake will blur the clinical picture, the doctor will not be able to correctly diagnose and provide assistance in time. You cannot use toys without consulting a doctor. Heat helps muscles relax, relieves smooth muscle spasm, relieves pain, so people use it as an alternative to pills. However, warming is prohibited for a number of diseases. For example, it provokes an acceleration of inflammatory processes in appendicitis. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor himself prescribes warming procedures, if they are permissible. He also prescribes drugs that relieve pain. After the colic has subsided, the patient is not allowed to eat for the next 12 hours. Only sweet herbal tea and rye crackers or bread are allowed. In the future, a strict diet prescribed by the doctor should be followed. Read also:

