Why the child is afraid to swim

When the fetus is in the womb, water is the natural environment of its habitat. As a rule, newborns also do not experience fear of water.the child is afraid to swimA child is afraid to swim is a serious problem. Photo: Getty But the following may lead to this:

  • The water was too hot or too cold. Comfortable for swimming is the temperature of 36-37 ° C. If parents want to temper the child, lower the temperature gradually, so as not to frighten the baby.
  • The child accidentally swallowed water and there was a fear of choking.
  • Fatigue and inflammation can cause the child to be afraid to swim in the bathroom. Contact with water can cause pain.
  • The child is uncomfortable, while in the bath - for example, all the time it moves too deep into the water.
  • Once the kid slipped and fell, and now he is afraid of hitting again.
  • Shampoo or soap falls into the eyes and painfully they pinch.
  • The kid feels the nervousness of the parents. To a young mother and father, bathing a baby often seems very responsible.

All these reasons can be easily eliminated if you carefully consider the needs of the child.

What to do if the child is afraid to swim

To defeat fear, you must follow simple rules:

  • Purchase a thermometer to monitor the water temperature.
  • Use detergents "without tears."
  • To buy a convenient bath, the slide for sitting on which will be well fixed.
  • If the baby already knows how to stand, put a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathroom. He will not let the child slip.
  • To prevent diaper rash, the child should be at least 1-2 hours per day without a diaper. Emerged inflammations are treated with powder or baby cream.

During water procedures it is necessary to speak withchild in a tender voice. The toddler is introduced to water in the form of a game, using colorful bright toys. Even if this bathing is the first in a child's life, parents should not worry and be afraid to do something wrong. How long does the baby stay in the water? Until he gets bored, or the water does not get too cold. It is extremely important not to leave a child alone for one second in the bathroom. Parental carelessness can cause an accident. During bathing, next to the baby, there must always be someone from adults. Read also:

