What to do if the child does not eat the lure

To teach a baby to a new food needs to be gradually,starting with a spoon of puree from vegetables or fruits. Do not start introducing complementary foods, if your baby is sick or his teeth are chapped, let the child get acquainted with the new in a good mood. The optimal time of day is the second or third morning feeding. Observe simple rules:

  • Take into account the feeding regime, the child should want to eat.
  • Give the lure just before breastfeeding or a mixture, but not after.
  • To taste the new food was more accustomed to the baby, add a few drops of mother's milk or a mixture into the spoon of mashed potatoes.
  • Find out what your kid likes. If the child flatly refuses to eat, for example, broccoli, do not insist! Suggest another vegetable - squash, pumpkin, potatoes, and return to broccoli after a couple of weeks.
  • Do not start lure with sweet cereals and fruit mashed potatoes, let the first meal be vegetables. Otherwise, a child, accustomed exclusively to sweet food, will not want to eat anything else at all.

the child does not eat the lureIf the child does not eat the lure, take your time and do notmake him Photo: Getty What if the child refuses to eat the lure, despite your efforts? If the kid does not burn with a desire to try "adult" food, do not panic. Try the method of "pedagogical complementary foods": every time, sitting down at the table, put a baby with him - let him see how you eat. Allow the child to pick up pieces of your food, study their smell and taste them. Of course, in this case, you will also have to adhere to a healthy diet - no sausages, sausages, fatty, fried and spicy food. So you will instill a child's interest in "adult" food.

What not to do?

If the baby is not eating enough food orrefuses to try new, wait - maybe time has not come yet. If the child normally gaining weight and develops, there is nothing to worry about. And certainly not worth it:

  • to force the child to eat new food, to feed him by force,
  • try to distract the child with cartoons or toys,
  • add sugar to the lure that "he liked"
  • try to feed the well-fed child.

Do not worry in vain, a little patience, and your baby will be happy to have breakfast, lunch and dinner at a common table. Read also:

