What if the baby fell out of bed?

Babies in 3-4 months often turn out to beunexpectedly mobile and active. They gradually master new skills, they want to roll over on the tummy or crawl to an interesting toy. If you leave such a crumb without parental supervision, he can easily fall out of bed. Such a fall in infancy is very dangerous, as it can cause injuries to the head or limbs.If a child falls out of bed and becomes unconscious, immediately call an ambulance.If the child falls out of bed and becomes unconscious, immediately call an ambulance. Photo: Getty Parents should know how to act in an emergency.

  • Even if the baby cries out loud, do not rushcall an ambulance Hysterical baby can happen because of fright. Try to calm down, because your excitement is easily transmitted to the child and he begins to cry even more.
  • Very carefully lift the crumbs and put it on a flat surface. Inspect it for injuries, scratches, bruises. Head injuries are especially dangerous, so examine it very carefully.
  • If your baby has serious injuries or damage, call an ambulance immediately.

A fall from the crib can go for a child withoutany consequences. If your baby is just scared, try to calm him down - sing a song, give your favorite toy, feed him. You do not need to involve the child in active games, as he needs a little time to recover from the fall and shock.

How to give first aid if a small child fell out of bed and hit his head?

Children most often fall out of bed upside down. Parents should first examine the hurt place. If there are abrasions, carefully treat them with hydrogen peroxide. Reduce the pain and relieve swelling will help cold lotions. Simply attach a wet towel or metal spoon to the bump. A forehead bruise is less dangerous than a trauma of the temple or neck. If the child is naughty and cries for several hours, you will have to consult a doctor. The specialist will examine the small patient and find out if he has a concussion. If the child fell out of bed, this is not a reason for panic. Try to calm the baby and soberly assess the severity of the injury. Who in childhood did not stuff cones? For several days after the fall, carefully monitor the health of the child. Excessive lethargy, drowsiness, frequent crying caused by headache - the first signs of a concussion. If you find anxiety symptoms urgently go to the hospital. Read also:

