what to give for the birth of a childGift for the birth of a child Photo:GettyImages The unmistakable skill of choosing a good gift for is a rare gift, but they say it can be learned. One has only to seriously approach the study of the issue. It is not in vain that they say that the recipient is dear not by a gift, but by attention. Having received an invitation to celebrate the appearance of a newborn in the family, we think: what to come with, what to give for the birth of a child? A gift is the best test of the closeness and mutual understanding of people. The price of your gift to the parents of a newborn will certainly depend on your degree of kinship or friendship. Everything else is a matter of your imagination and desire to please the hero of the occasion. Choosing gifts for newborns is also not so difficult if you know well the family that is to be congratulated on the addition. In this case, it is also not a sin to consult with the family of the new man. Probably, mom and dad, under the load of new worries, have not yet managed to acquire everything for the child's dowry and you have the opportunity to play the role of a “good fairy”.

For a young lady

Gift for the birth of a girlGift for the birth of a girlthe birth of a girl, pay attention to the design of things: pink tones and a gentle pattern, such as floral, are appropriate. Even a rattle or a bottle can have a truly "girlish" design, not to mention other gift options - a set of children's bedding, a suit, or a toy. You can present the baby:

  • a silver spoon;
  • a beautiful album for her first photos;
  • a set of children's cosmetics (hypoallergenic foam for a bath, baby talc, soap, etc.);
  • a thermometer for water in the form of a funny toy;
  • electric night light with soft light.

For a little gentleman

Gift for the birth of a boyA gift for the birth of a boy,what gift to present for the birth of a boy, keep in mind that you can choose a thing and a bit of spillovers, for example, a typewriter or a children's bicycle. If you want your gift to be original and unusual, present a certificate for the production of handprints of the baby, which the parents can then hang on the wall, as a relic. Many modern parents will be delighted with the certificate for a photo shoot with a baby - put it off for the moment when your daughter or son grows up a little. However, a large package of disposable diapers will be happy parents of children of either sex - diapers are always needed!

