how to wean a childHow to disable the child by hand? Photo: Getty

The magic of hands

Little children love to sit on hands, takeparents by the hands and fall asleep in this "cradle". Often the baby wakes up at night, forcing the mother to get up and wander around the house for hours with the "live burden", like a sleepwalker. Here the reason for attachment can only be psychological dependence on the mother, when the baby did not have enough of her attention during the day. You need to not spend so much time cooking and cleaning (let dads and grandmothers get involved in the process), and get more pleasure from motherhood - walk, play, cuddle the baby! Then the question of how to wean a child from hands will disappear like dew in the sun.

What to do with the baby?

The process of breastfeeding or lack of putting to bed also has an effect. You can be patient a little, and the result will appear within 3-7 days.

  • The method for the "iron lady" is to feed the baby,kiss, and only fell asleep - into the cradle, and no "sorry", "Well, let the chance once more sleep that way." The baby, if dry parts of the body are dry, healthy, full, will not cry. Just need to show the strength of spirit and endure.
  • To stool in a wheelchair (if you wash the wheels - then in the corridor, leaving the baby alone on the balcony or at the window) and in the cradle bed, if there are round legs.
  • So as not to break your head, how to wean your child to sleepon the hands, you can gradually breastfeed to organize on an adult bed (with some poses, the baby lies next to her mother or on her, but not on her hands), and then gently transfer it.

There is a convenient phase of sleep - the mostthe first. At the beginning of the sleepy hour (from 15 to 30 minutes) the baby falls asleep, which is why he cuts his nails at this time, and some mothers even manage to vacuum the nursery. To be afraid of spillings it is not necessary.

  • First, put into the union "mother - son / daughter" of a plush friend. When the child gets used to fall asleep with a rabbit or a bear, it will be possible to leave them alone. This psychological beacon will definitely work.

If the child is older

  • Some heirs and older can notto get out of the "manual mode" of lulling. Mums need to just invent their own tradition to fall asleep (to drink milk, brush their teeth, read a fairy tale or sing a lullaby, pray, watch a cartoon) or exhaust the child. It's a pity to look at children falling asleep on an armchair in anticipation of a bath or with a book in their hands. But they are clearly not up to Mom's hands, as required.

Main!Parents will have to stick to a schedule during weaning days so that the daily program is full, but not overstimulating. And the evening meal and bathing will have to be moved to an earlier time. Before weaning in your arms, you need to think: is it necessary? Children grow very quickly, soon they will go to kindergarten and school, and there will be very little time spent with parents. In old age, all that will remain is to remember how the offspring were small and did not leave your arms. Maybe physical contact is necessary for moms and dads themselves? In any case, the refusal to rock in your arms should be compensated by stroking the head, kisses, looking into the eyes, verbal praise. Then everything will be harmonious and easy. See also:

