Why start a pet for a child

A pet is by no meansa toy is a family member. It will teach the child many things. First of all, it is responsibility. The child immediately has many tasks, for example, feeding the pet, cleaning up after it, etc. These tasks must be done regularly, otherwise the animal will suffer.pets for childrenPets for children need to choose,based on the child's temperament Photo: Getty Another character trait that is developed by the baby is patience. Training, accustoming to the tray, etc., teach the child to bring things to the end and rejoice in small victories. Thanks to the animals, the children improve their communication skills. And, finally, the pet teaches the kid to trust and empathize. The child will clearly learn that good treatment is the guarantee of a true friendship. If he is kind to a cat or a dog, then their teeth and claws are not terrible to him.

What animal for a child is worth starting

Psychologists advise choosing pets based on the child’s temperament:

  • Choleric are hyperactive children. They are fine dogs. It is better to choose a puppy of small breed. The child will walk a long time four-legged friend in the street.
  • Phlegmatic - quiet and quiet kids. They are suitable for small rodents, like mice, as well as birds - canaries or parrots. If you want to a little stir your little phlegmatic, get him a friendly pug or spaniel.
  • Melancholics are children who often have a bad mood. They can calm the fish. Excellent raise the mood and infect the positive cat, so that the kitten will become a good friend of melancholy.
  • Sanguine - cheerful and agile children. They will be equally welcome to any animal, whether it be a bird, a fish, a kitten or a puppy.

However, it is necessary to take into account not only the character andthe baby's wishes, but also the parents' wishes, because the pet will become a full-fledged member of the whole family. Now you know which animals are suitable for children, but do not rush to run to the pet store. Let the child dream about the future pet, really want it. At this time, read articles and books on caring for pets with the baby, so that he is ready to meet a new friend. Read also:

