Korni band soloist Alexander Bernikov 22August, he became the father of twins and immediately assumed the status of a large father. The wife of the Star Factory graduate, Olga, has previously presented her beloved husband, Milana, and then her son Marcel, and now the couple have four children.A photo: The archives of the press services Olga and the little ones were discharged from the maternity hospital today, the happy father prepared as it should be. The older children dressed smartly for the meeting with the sisters, and the father himself was all in white and with flowers. Olga was happy when she saw in front of her a huge inflatable heart in the form of an arch right at the door of the maternity hospital and a large bundle of balloons, plus a basket with her favorite flowers. Anyway, my husband tried his best, every woman dreams of such an extract. Especially if in addition to her there will be such a romantic as Berdnikov.A photo: Archives of press services. The press service of the singer reported that Alexander is now in seventh heaven. Wife and daughter feel great. He personally took his wife to the maternity hospital on August 22 and waited in the corridor until the girls were born. He first took them in his arms and gave the names of Valentina in honor of his mother and Rosa. The artist’s colleagues already congratulated him on his completion. Now he is the father of many children in the team of his group.

