On Instagram Ksenia Sobchak, who appeareda photo that was destined to spark an explosion of bilious comments. And so it happened. The secular lioness once again trolled her subscribers, just taking a selfie. The very juice in the signature: “Now I know the secret of people whose Instagram is full of selfies !!! They, like me now, have a lot of free time, and it is somehow indecent to post pictures from one outlet to people for the third day. " Dec 6 2016 at 7:19 PST And it seems that Ksenia really has enough free time: in the photo she is wearing her hair, makeup, fresh manicure, and indeed she looks great. sitting at home with a child is just a resort. But, of course, under the picture they immediately began to ask questions like “How can there be a lot of free time, if you practically have to be with a lyalka all the time? Who is taking care of your child? ”However, those who tried to explain to Xenia in her microblog that she is a nasty mother were opposed by an army of defenders. “Children in the first month always sleep well! Enjoy while you can. Ksenia, gain strength. "Another" mom "photo can be called" Death of Glamor. " There is no more room for dresses in Ksenia Sobchak's dressing room - isn't it a grief? Although no, not grief. The place that used to be occupied by shoes, handbags and outfits for publication was taken by toys and bags from children's stores. Dec 6, 2016 at 5:48 am PST "My once 'glamorous' dressing room now looks like this!" - shared Sobchak. "The best dressing room in the world!" - answered her fans.

