Causes of umbilical cord baby neck
A child in the womb does a lotmovements. He can tumble, do somersaults and swim. Any of these movements can cause entanglement. But the longer the pregnancy, the lower the probability of entanglement, since the baby becomes cramped, he moves less.The fetus can free itself fromsingle cord entanglement Photo: Getty A possible cause of entanglement is polyhydramnios. In this case, the child has too much space for movement, he actively uses it. Pregnant women need to remain calm, not nervous, since an increased level of adrenaline in the blood just contributes to the excessive mobility of the baby. Even if the child is entangled in the umbilical cord, he can easily get rid of it. This is not a cause for concern, but simply a warning for the obstetrician - watch mother and baby more closely.
How dangerous is entwining?
The degree of danger depends on many factors.A long umbilical cord entanglement usually does not cause any discomfort to the baby even in the last weeks. If the umbilical cord is too short, it can wrap around the baby's neck and cause a lack of oxygen - hypoxia. But the baby feels discomfort and in most cases successfully frees itself from the umbilical cord. Medical intervention is required only in situations where normal blood flow between the mother and child is impaired. The pregnant woman herself can determine the condition of the fetus by its movements. If the baby begins to move too little, this may be a sign of chronic hypoxia. Sharp and violent movements of the baby indicate that he feels great discomfort and a lack of oxygen. If after such vigorous activity the child suddenly calms down, the mother needs to urgently consult a doctor. Umbilical cord entanglement is not a pathology. This condition occurs in about a quarter of pregnant women, and most of them give birth to strong and healthy children. Natural childbirth with cord entanglement is not dangerous, as modern equipment helps to monitor the baby's heartbeat and condition and take the necessary delivery tactics in time. To reduce the risk of entanglement, the expectant mother needs to walk more in the fresh air, worry less and do breathing exercises. If the child does not experience a lack of oxygen, everything will be fine.