- Have you already bought everything you need for your child? Jasmine"Much remains of Margarita: cot, cot, changing table, commode, lulling swings, chaise lounges, riding-school, some toys for early development. All in perfect condition, so why change them? All these things store the energy of her sister, and now she will move to a new child. In this there is something. By the way, the whole and the cradle, which is attached between the parent's bed and a baby bed and swings like a pendulum. And in her grew already three: Margarita, my niece and the daughter of a close friend. By the way, the last two are Eve. Now one more person will sleep in it. But the stroller, unfortunately, was not preserved, and I still have not bought a new one. Today, there is such a big choice that their eyes run out. It seems I know exactly what I want, but it seems: there is something missing in one, in another something is not like. I'm a picky mother, and I also admit that the search itself gives pleasure. Before delivery is still a couple of weeks, so I stretch the pleasure, do not want to rush to buy. In general, I enjoy my current state. I do not know if I will ever be pregnant. I do not renounce, of course, how God will say, but in principle, I do not plan more children. Always dreamed of three, as in principle, and develops. And Ilan's husband, when they first met, said that he wanted a son and no one else. "Well, dreams are dreams, and life itself will dispose of", - I thought then to myself. Now the husband on the question, he would like the kids yet, answers: "No, two for me - the ideal option." His parents also have two: he and the elder sister. And in my family only me and my brother.Photo: Sergey Birka-Jasmine, reveal the secret to whom you are waiting: a boy or a girl.Jasmine"I want to leave it a secret." No one in the family yet knows the sex of the child. This is a surprise first of all for the husband. When she was pregnant with Margarita, Ilan went with me to the ultrasound, during one of them the doctor said: "Wait for the girl." Thus deprived me of the chance to leave it a secret. Now my husband also went with me on ultrasound, but I warned the doctor, asked about the floor not to report anything. And all this time persistently fooled Ilana's head, she said one thing or another. As a result, he decided not to ask unnecessary questions. Just waiting. "Will the husband attend the birth?" Jasmine- I think that the mystery of the birth of a child is not quitea suitable sight for men. The nerves may not stand it (smiles). We women believe that men are so strong that they can endure anything. This is all true, of course, but childbirth is too traumatic for them, it seems to me. So you don't need to be in the ward with me, it's better to be near, behind the wall, like last time, I'm so much calmer. - Was your pregnancy easy? Jasmine- At first I experienced all the charmsToxicosis: terrible weakness, headaches, and how taste preferences have changed ... I day and night dreamed of sauerkraut and cucumbers. I'm not kidding! So strange, with previous children nothing like this is not felt. With Margarita in general until the eighth month went on heels, danced, sang. And then there are such differences! As my doctor says, there are no two identical pregnancies. Calmed myself with the thought that this must be experienced. And in the fifth month everything was normal. "Did your husband get rid of your mood swings?" Jasmine- To him and to this day, it happens, gets. Sometimes, I confess, I break the stick. But always I apologize for the fact that I could not restrain myself, I explain my actions with a surge of hormones, I ask to be patient for the sake of our children (laughs). Ilan has already got used to it and holds on well, for which he is very grateful.

