Adults should ideally go to the dentist everyhalf a year. And children of early age to visit the dentist is recommended every 3 months, because in children, all the processes are much faster than in adults. This also applies to the development of caries: if a child has tooth decay, it can progress rapidly. For five years it is already clear whether it is possible to go to a doctor less often. If the teeth are strong, not a single hole, you can go to the "adult" mode of visits. And if the child has "weak" teeth that have been treated more than once, if the baby does not brush his teeth badly, then the frequency of going to the dentist should not be changed with age. And remember: prevention is better than any treatment in which there may not be a need, if you do everything in time.1/2Photo: Eksmo Publishing HousePhoto:Eksmo Publishing HouseDo you need to silver your teeth?Silvering is a method of treating caries at the initial stage, which consists of repeatedly applying special silver solutions to teeth affected by caries. This helps stabilize the process and prevent caries from spreading to the entire tooth.In other words, caries does not disappear after silvering, it simply stops and does not progress deeper.Most often, it is recommended to silver teeth 3 times with minimal intervals between procedures. Then take a break - sometimes for 3 months, sometimes for a longer period - and repeat the silvering again.It makes sense to carry out this procedure only at the initial stages of caries. But only a doctor can determine what stage your child has!
Photo: GettyImagesWhat's wrong with silver plating?• Teeth turn black. This is unsightly, interferes with the child's social adaptation, and creates an inferiority complex that cannot always be gotten rid of, even as an adult.• Silvering is ineffective in the case of more advanced stages of caries. Moreover, it can even harm dental health if not performed in a timely manner.• Silvering is ineffective in the treatment of caries of chewing teeth. No medical procedure aimed at treating and preventing caries will give the desired result without optimizing nutrition and prescribing preventive procedures at home. Remember: silvering is by no means a panacea. You should be wary if the doctor insists on this procedure without offering alternatives. And there are plenty of them in modern pediatric dentistry! Alternatives to silvering:• Deep fluoridation.• Fissure sealing.• Fillings made of modern materials. The choice of treatment depends on the child's age, the initial level of tooth mineralization, the depth of their damage (this can only be determined by a doctor), the child's perseverance in the dentist's chair, his or her ability to communicate with strangers (doctors), the parents' willingness to trust and help a particular doctor during an appointment and follow all recommendations at home. Despite the fact that baby teeth will inevitably fall out, their health should not be neglected. Why? There are three reasons. 1. Even temporary teeth will serve the child for quite a long time. For several years, they will be an integral part of his or her appearance; a smile often helps to establish relationships with peers, and therefore, contributes to adaptation in society. 2. If baby teeth are removed prematurely (in the case of advanced caries), abnormalities in the position of permanent teeth are possible in the future. Conditions are created for the formation of an incorrect bite, diction often suffers. 3. Diseased teeth cope worse with their main function - chewing food. And this is one of the links in proper digestion. Read more: