hypoxia in pregnancyHypoxia during pregnancy can be caused by different causes. Photo: Getty

Causes of fetal hypoxia in pregnancy

Several factors can cause this disease. Doctors consider them:

  • Anemia is a decreased hemoglobin in a future mother.
  • Various diseases. Most of them are associated with the respiratory system: asthma, bronchitis. But to play a cruel joke can and inflammation of the kidneys, and diabetes.
  • The use of nicotine during pregnancy.
  • Intrauterine infections.
  • Fetoplacental insufficiency. Complication that can lead to miscarriage.

All of the above can provoke deviations in the formation of the baby's organs, cause a delay in development.

Signs of hypoxia in pregnancy

At the beginning of pregnancy, she does not manifest herself. It is possible to determine hypoxia only on the 20th week and later. The first sign is a decrease in fetal activity. His movements become rare and sluggish. In this case, you must make an appointment with a gynecologist. The diagnosis can be confirmed with the help of various studies. In late terms, amniocentesis is prescribed - a procedure in which amniotic fluid and fetal condition are examined. So, if you are sent for ultrasound, the signs of growth and weight will tell you about oxygen starvation. They will be below the norm. Doppler can detect bradycardia - slow heartbeat. At the same time, the blood flow in the placenta is broken. Hypoxia can also be told by computer tomography. With normal fetal development, the total score should not be lower than 8. However, it happens, CTG gives false results. Therefore, with poor rates it is better to repeat the study. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes taking into account the condition of the fetus:

  • Medical preparations: kurantil, trental, actovegin. They are used in difficult situations.
  • Oxygen cocktails.
  • Physical exercises. For example, swimming or doing gymnastics in the water.
  • Cesarean section. It is used in late pregnancy.

All these methods give a positive result when the doctor prescribes.

How to avoid hypoxia of the fetus during pregnancy?

By the birth of a baby you must prepare, before conceptionget rid of infectious diseases and go through a course of treatment so that chronic diseases are in remission. Check the hormonal background and normalize it in case of deviations. During pregnancy, you should spend at least 3-4 hours outdoors. By adhering to all these requirements, you will save the fruit from hypoxia and give birth to a healthy baby.

