Family happiness finally overtook the 43-year-oldactor. Sergei Bezrukov loves his wife, director Anna Matison, and baby Mashenka - the couple's daughter was born in July of this year. Sergei tries not to be separated from his beloved girls for a day. They even go on tour with the whole family: when Masha was only three months old, she went with her parents to Tokyo for a film festival. And recently returned from a tour in Germany. Sergei says that Masha tolerates flights perfectly. And it's great - they say, there is no one to leave the child with anyway. The baby is still too young to hire her a nanny. Moreover, when Masha was born, the artist took a “decree” for a month and a half: he took a break from filming and performances. in the interview "". Dec 14 2016 at 8:56 PST Sleepless nights really continue: Masha's first teeth are being cut. Any parent knows what a challenge it is for the nerves. "Two have cut through already!" All parents will understand me! This is happiness! - Bezrukov emotionally shared his experiences with his subscribers on Instagram. The actor admitted: with the advent of his wife and little daughter in his life, a lot has changed. In general, for the first time, he really understood what parenthood is. “Yes, I have more children, I love and support them. But it was with the birth of Mashenka that I fully felt my father's happiness, '' Bezrukov confesses. However, Sergei is in no hurry to show the baby to the fans. If pictures appear on his microblog, it is only so that the faces cannot be seen. Bezrukov explains: everything in order to protect the child from unhealthy attention, which, in his opinion, only harms the development of the child. And in general I would not show the baby, but I really wanted to share with the fans simple paternal joys. Photo posted by s_bezrukov (@s_bezrukov) Dec 4 2016 at 12:03 PST Here, for example, showed my daughter's personal TV. In the photo Masha looks with enthusiasm ... into a huge aquarium, watching the fish. “We don't watch TV. Masha is already attending the theater. Together with Anya he comes to the performances and listens to them behind the scenes. If I'm on stage, she, of course, recognizes my voice, - the actor smiles. - She also loves classical music. I think she will have good hearing.

