- Says and fine, - waved momfour-year-old Kirilli from the offer to show the son to the speech therapist. No, Kirill said. Only those who spoke with him every day and got used to his style of speech could understand him. Kiryusha turned five. The situation has not improved. Closer to the age of six, Sveta's mom still took her son to a speech therapist. And she was shocked by the bouquet of the diagnoses. Here there is dysarthria, a violation of the phonemic hearing, and a recommendation to turn to a neurologist. “When to fix all this,” Mom now grabs her head. - A year later, to school!When you need to contact a speech therapistA photo: GettyImagesIf Svetlana would have noticed the inconsistency of Kirill's speech to his age earlier, everyone would most likely have been brought back to first class. But she postponed the visit to the doctors to the last, thinking that in time everything would settle down completely and Kirill would speak with TV speakers. at what age should parents be alerted and make them immediately consult a specialist.Tatyana Komarova (Tatiana Komarova)The speech of the child must be monitored at any age.even when this speech as such does not yet exist. If a child doesn’t really say anything before the year - he doesn’t agukait, he doesn’t glitch, except he cries, it’s necessary to turn to a speech therapist and rule out possible further problems. In addition, it is worth discussing this issue with a neurologist. Till the year— The Baby - Silent. Does not babble, does not gulit, does not agukaet. Closer to 12 months there are no recurring di-di, boo-boo, ta-ta, and dear heart ma-ma. From two to three years - Says too few words, no phrases. And it doesn’t even speak at all. - Simple sounds, such as "k", "d", "t", are missed in speech or replaced by others ("yew" instead of "kitty"). - He understands everything, but stubbornly does not he wants to talk. - In three years, there is a lot of active babbling in his own language, but to understand it is aerobatics.Tatyana Komarova (Tatiana Komarova)After two parents it seems that the child is about to succeed, you just have to try, and he "stubborn and lazy." In fact, this “stubbornness” may be a motor or sensory impairment.When you need to contact a speech therapistA photo: GettyImagesFrom four to five years old- The child softens the sounds. His cap turns into a “cap”, a cup in “tsyashka” or “puff”, a blouse in “koftotka.” - The child utters hissing and a number of other sounds with the tongue stuck between his teeth. - The speech is fuzzy, blurred, many sounds are missing. In general, the very "mess in Sasha's mouth."Tatyana Komarova (Tatiana Komarova)Closer to five most sounds should already get upin place and sound right. If it seems to you that the child suddenly began to lisp, to speak like a small child, this, of course, may be psychological problems, perhaps he is so attracting attention. But dysarthria is not excluded. Over six years old — Does not pronounce any sounds correctly. He speaks, stammering, stuttering, repeating the first or last syllables, and even whole words. As if the speech runs ahead of thought. He cannot retell the story he has read, he does not remember the poems very well, he confuses syllables. He cannot hear the first or the last sound in a word by ear, which sound is in which place. Younger students: Any problems with writing: misses letters, confuses them, and so on.Tatyana Komarova (Tatiana Komarova)After six years the child is fully formedphonetic system, his speech should already be correct. And we must already pay attention to how he writes. As a rule, if there are problems, they are detected in the second or third grade. If the schoolboy misses the letters in words, changes them in places, the teacher may suspect the discography. Tatyana Komarova insists: to delay with an appeal to experts, hoping that everything will improve itself, it's not worth it. The sooner the corrective sessions begin, the easier it will be to eliminate the existing problems. If they are, it is still better to solve them before starting their studies in order to prevent the layering of school problems into existing ones.Tatyana Komarova (Tatiana Komarova)And very important:if suddenly the child had some kind of head injury, even a minor one, and after that problems with speech and writing also began, in this case it is necessary to urgently contact both a speech therapist and a neurologist. Read also:

