Remember your childhood. Winter, summer - it does not matter, we rushed to the yard, arranged noisy games for Cossack robbers, drove on the bikes, fumbled in the snow, and just walked around exploring the neighborhood. And now? Children are busy around the clock. To school, to music school, additional English, swimming pool, lessons ... For walks in the fresh air there is no time left. And even if it remains, the children spend this time, burying themselves in the laptop / tablet / phone screen. At best - in the book. And it turned out that the current growing generation is a generation of the naughty. And the matter is this.Photo:GettyImages Scientists at the London School of Medicine and Tropical Medicine have found a direct relationship between myopia and lack of sunlight. If a child is reliably insured against exposure to ultraviolet rays by the walls of a house or school, the likelihood of developing myopia - myopia - increases significantly. And not necessarily the baby will acquire glasses in childhood. It is possible that myopia will show itself at a later age. The researchers turned out to be meticulous people and checked the feedback. The group of teenagers tested increased their time in the sun. After a while, their vision was compared with the vision of their peers, who led the former "cave" lifestyle. And it turned out that the latter had more prerequisites for the development of myopia than the "sunny" adolescents. Scientists explain that you shouldn't underestimate the value of vitamin D for your body. It is he who is responsible for the quality of vision. And it is synthesized in the human body under the influence of sunlight. If the sun is not enough, there is not enough vitamin D. “Even if you introduce additional sources of vitamin D into a person's diet, it still does not have the same effect as exposure to the sun,” scientists say. However, do not forget about additional sources of vitamin D costs. It is found in eggs, fish, parsley, cheese, and caviar. To a lesser extent - in dairy products.By the way, ultraviolet light penetrates even through clouds. So arguments about a cloudy winter in your area is not an excuse at all. Take a walk and be healthy. Read also:

