British scientists again distinguished themselves. They do not seem to be fed with bread - let them do some funny research: then they find out why people have sex, then they study the effect on the brain of eating cornflakes. But this is not bad: there are more and more reasons for jokes. And then a new study arrived: the scientists quite seriously found out where the children cry most of all.Why do children cryPhoto:GettyImages While trying to create a “baby sob map”, they found that babies cry the most in the UK, Canada and Italy. In Britain, babies cry for three hours a day, at least three times a week. Yes, you will not envy. The rest of the top crybaby charts whine less, but still a lot. According to a report published in the professional medical journal Pediatrics, the calmest babies are born in Denmark, Germany and Japan. There were no Russian children on the chart - however, we already know that our babies are the best. Scientists analyzed data from 28 studies, in which 8,700 children participated. Their purpose was not to study tearfulness at all, but the prevalence of colic in babies. And one without the other, as we understand, in any way. The tummies of all babies hurt, this phenomenon is generally normal and harmless - for babies. But quite difficult for parents. - How much babies cry in the first weeks of life is very different from country to country. More attention should be paid to studying cultures where children cry less, says the head of the study, Professor Dieter Wolke. According to scientists, the level of crying depends on the level of social security in a particular country, childcare traditions, feeding patterns. for example, the difference between London and Copenhagen parents: in Denmark, moms and dads hug their children more often, carry them in their arms - in general, fans of tactile interaction. And it seems to work! In addition, in England, almost 75 percent of women breastfeed their babies after giving birth, but after two months, only half are breastfeeding. And this also matters. However, scientists are encouraging parents: no matter what scheme of care and feeding you adhere to, after one and a half to two months after birth, the intensity of colic will decline. And the children will cry much less.

