School for hard of hearing children

The purpose of studying in such a school is to form the right speech, and not to teach the language. The emphasis in the study of children with hearing defects is on the work on pronunciation of words, learning to read on the for hearing impaired childrenWeakly-hearing children need specialEducationPhoto: Getty Such children to the school are gaps in development. The program, in schools for children with hearing impairment, is aimed at filling these gaps.

Features of hearing impaired children

A child with a partial hearing loss is more difficultcommunicate with other people than children normally hear. Such a child develops hypoplasia of speech. He differently perceives and represents the world around him. The hearing-impaired child is different from deaf people and from hearing children. Such a child does not have complete, but partial hearing loss. And this allows him to learn how to speak independently. The mentality of such children develops with deviations from the norm. These children mispronounce and write words. They also do not always correctly understand the meaning of words. It is difficult for them to understand spoken language and readable text.

Special Education

To reduce the deviation from the norm in developmentsuch children, a system of language learning has been specially developed for them. In such classes, students accumulate vocabulary, acquire the grammatical system of the language, and learn various types and forms of speech. In ordinary schools, children are not taught this. For such study requires a special phonetic, grammatical, lexical material. It should be interconnected, and in a special grouped. The goal of working with hard of hearing students is to develop and use residual hearing. In the educational process, teachers tend to expand the ability of students to independently increase their vocabulary. Thanks to this their language becomes richer. At the same time, the task of educators is to make timely amendments to words acquired by children themselves. To convey to the student the correct composition of sounds in the word, its lexical and grammatical meaning. Hardly-hearing children should be trained separately from deaf or hearing-impaired children. Since they completely differently perceive information from the outside world. Deaf children use only sight for this, and hearing-impaired people have an inferior hearing. Therefore, the learning processes for all these children are radically different.

