Knowing what helps from toxicosis, you can stop vomiting without harm to the fetusPhoto: Getty
Strong toxicosis: how to help?
General rules for getting rid of toxicosis.1.You should avoid strong odors. They only make the unpleasant sensations worse. 2. Avoid overeating or hunger. It is better to eat small portions, but often, trying to eat liquid and solid food separately. You should drink no earlier than half an hour after eating. You should give up heavy and fatty foods, semi-finished products. 3. Include healthy fats in your diet. You can eat a couple of nuts with each meal, season salads with unrefined olive oil, add a little flax or pumpkin seeds to your morning porridge. Such fats are good for the growth of baby's cells, slow down sharp jumps in blood sugar, which can also relieve nausea. 4. Walk more in the fresh air: in a pine forest or on the seashore. In urban areas, a park or street without a lot of cars will also do. Products that help with toxicosis.
- Lemon or something sour. It is enough to suck a slice of lemon or lime, so that nausea is slightly reduced. If it is too sour and difficult to keep a slice of citrus in your mouth, you can squeeze out the juice and dilute it with water.
- Pickles. The proven grandmother's method is to eat pickled cucumber or tomato, and it will immediately become a little easier. But with salty foods you should be careful: they can appear or intensify swelling.
- Well helps water with apple cider vinegar. To do this, take half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water, add honey to taste. Vinegar must be taken naturally: not the essence, not alcoholic vinegar, but apple without additives or preservatives. It is better if it is homemade.
- Ginger. You can brew it and drink it as tea, cool it and add a little lemon and honey. If you can just hold a piece of ginger in your mouth, it will perfectly cope with unpleasant symptoms. You can also grind it and add to food.
- Broth lemon balm or peppermint from toxemia. A teaspoon of grass should be brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for about an hour. You can use a thermos. Drink like tea, add honey if necessary.
- A tablespoon of pumpkin pour a glass of boiling water and drink between meals. Pumpkin can help nausea, and also contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals.
Remember that with frequent vomiting the bodyexhausts, and in later periods nausea can be an indicator of health problems. No matter how well popular recipes and general recommendations help, in case of protracted or severe toxicosis, you should definitely inform your doctor and get timely medical assistance.